How would you like the upcoming year to be?
We all know you should go with the flow, but sometimes you need to have a direction you would like to flow towards... This year, write the script for your life: Focus on writing down what you desire for the upcoming year. When you write down what you want you bring your desires more into focus as well as letting the Universe know what is is you truly want and where you want to go. Don't be afraid to think big, and do not worry about how your desires will manifest, simply focus on what you would like to see come into your life. To get started:
Be sure to state all in a positive manner, only focusing on what you desire. Once you are finished place your list in a safe place, that you can refer to later in this year. This is where you "let go and let God." You may be surprised how productive and beautiful your year has turned out and what you have manifested without even trying! Enjoy, and as always: Choose love! ~Terri Wilson~ #comingintobalance #heartsinbalance #reiki Many Lightworkers and those on the Twin Flame journey often talk about “Oneness” “Becoming whole” the “journey back to self” and “releasing what no longer serves you”.
While many seem to somewhat grasp the periphery of these concepts, many miss the bigger picture. So let’s break this down. What does it mean to be “whole?” To be whole is to be complete. Something that is complete does not need anything else. To not need anything else means it is perfect just the way it is. When you observe a flower, you notice the beauty of it and see it in its wholeness without being distracted by all the parts of it. You accept it as it is, and that it does not need anything else to make it better. “Oneness” is very similar. To Be One is to be whole and complete within yourself. In the case of a couple or a group, means all are complete and whole together, while being separate. In a bouquet of flowers, you see a group of flowers that are lovely together, without worrying about if the rose is better than the peony or the Lily; you simply accept them as they are. All have different colors and as individual flowers are beautiful, but together are amazing as well despite their differences. In order to become “whole” and have “Oneness” requires a ”Journey back to self.” Our journey is to heal the parts of us that keep us back and prevent us from becoming whole. This journey requires hard work and realizing hard truths about yourself and how you view the world. It requires going into your past and healing those things about you that hold you back, while learning to accept the parts of yourself that are not perfect. “Releasing what no longer serves you”, helps to move you forward on your path. But what does this mean? What are we releasing? We need to release bad habits, relationships, jobs, self limiting /sabotaging thoughts, thought processes, lack of self worth, etc. Now take these concepts one step further. To do the above is to be independent on your own and not need anyone. What does that look like? It means you do not need others to take care of you, that you are self sufficient and can take care of yourself. This is an important point that many seem to be missing. To be independent means you can feed, clothe and afford yourself. When you can do all these things you feel better about yourself. When you feel better about yourself you can love yourself and when you love yourself you can love others. And when you love others and yourself and are independent you are a more productive member of society. The more productive you are the more you can help others. Helping others is why Lightworkers and Twin Flames are here. People used to teach their children how to take care of themselves, how to contribute to society and that there are consequences for their actions. For example at age 7 I was able to change my sisters diapers, clean the house, feed and clean up after myself. Does this mean I am smarter and better than others? Of course not (that would be your EGO making you feel insecure), it simply means ANYONE can do this too. How many people today teach their children how to take care of themselves? Teaching your children to take care of themselves and simple things like helping out around the house does many things: it gives them a sense of accomplishment, knowing they can do something well. It helps them feel a part of the family and like they contribute. It gives them a sense of well being, and discipline. They learn Consequences when they do not contribute or do something wrong and are punished for it which is important for their development; not to mention learning boundaries and to respect others and following simple rules to keep order. To teach your child to be independent of you is the greatest gift you can give them. Why? Because you are teaching them to be “Whole” to be “One” with themselves and not to NEED anyone including you/ This is important when you consider they should be able to take care of themselves should something happen to you. Society has been moving BACKWARDS in this regard. How? People have become codependent, needing others to take care of them. Not just for food and shelter, but to make them feel good about themselves. They also need someone to need them and love them so they can feel worthy. This is NOT a healthy environment for anyone. We have people who do not contribute to society and want others to take care of them. We have adult children who cannot take care of themselves. We have adults who need love so much they do not allow their children to grow up. We have children who feel rules to not apply to them, that they are the center of the universe, and that everyone needs to cater to their every whim. These children fall apart when they do not get their way or disappointment occurs. The need for others to take care of us and give us what we do not give ourselves (self love) creates the perfect opportunity for those who want to control others to thrive and prosper. If they can make you dependent upon them for what you need: they can control you. If they know you cannot or will not take care of yourself they own you. While many who are awake do not fall for this, many can be manipulated if the situation is right. The above brings us to today and where we are now. We have people who are trying to control us. They have successfully divided us, and are preventing oneness by manipulating us into thinking it is a bad thing to be separate or different, while at the same time trying to tell us we all must be alike. We have been made to feel we cannot take care of ourselves and need someone to take care of us and have even successfully convinced us we cannot take care of our own children. People have become passive aggressive bullies insisting that if you do not believe as they do you are wrong. Those who wish to control others have taken advantage if this desperate lack of wholeness, Oneness and independence to try to fool us into thinking we need them. Many are so desperate for love they will accept anything at face value. If someone says pretty words and tells you they will take care of you, they must love you! For decades People have used this scenario to try to set up a situation where all can be controlled. The Masses have been groomed for years that to be independent, self sufficient, successful and whole is wrong. People have lost their moral compass and connection with Higher Self that tells them what is right and wrong. There has been a battle quietly building between light and dark and this election is the culmination of all this. What we see now are people awakening to their own power and independence stepping forward. Like it or not what you see in the world represents a need for change from the status quo. A return to basic values of Independence, Wholeness and Oneness. No one is perfect, but we need to become beholden to no one, and willing to take the slings and arrows to bring us all forward to where we should be. Look for TRUTH, and understanding instead of the need to be right. This is how you fight people want to control us and prevent us from being strong and independent and successful, from being Whole. Lightworkers are here to set us on the road to Oneness. While many can see how this applies to a one on one situation, many miss the big picture: The more you can take care of yourself, the more you can love yourself and not worry about what others think. The less you care what people think, the less they can control you. The less control people have over you, the more Independent and Whole you are. The more Whole you are the more you are in Oneness with yourself and with those around you the easier it is to accept them for who they are. The more you are In one with those around you, and the more you can accept others for who they are; the better off the planet will be, and the more it will heal... ... which is after all the point, is it not? Choose love. -Terri Wilson- #heartsinbalance #comingintobalance The way you see people things and life is a choice...
including how you choose to react to things. When we react, it is due to something negative we need to heal within ourselves from our past... The key is not to blame others for our reactions and feelings but to go within and root out what causes us to blame others for our feelings and why we choose to give away our power in this way. Blaming others for how we feel is not being accountable for ourselves and our reactions. In order to grow and move forward in life we need to be able to balance ourselves, our reactions, and our life. We will always see what we WANT. What do you WANT to see in the world? Hate and Oppression? Or Love and Abundance? Choose wisely, the choice is yours. I choose LOVE. ~Terri Wilson~ #heartsinbalance #comingintobalance Respect yourself enough to know you deserve the very best.
You deserve to be loved. You deserve to be treated well. You deserve to receive what you give. You deserve to be first. You are worthy of respect. Who you associate with is important. Who you surround yourself with is important. Who you learn from is important. What you hear is important. What you say is important. How you feel is important. What you learn is important. You get what you pay for. When you love yourself and realize your worth, you understand what is for your highest good and the good of all others. Only then will you understand: You deserve the best in everything, and mediocrity will not do... Because YOU are important. You are worthy. Love yourself, by choosing yourself. -Terri Wilson- #heartsinbalance #comingintobalance Manifest your desires NOW!
Make a list of 50 things you desire in your life. Assume anything is possible, just make sure they are things you truly desire. Do not think anything is beyond your reach, too large or too small. A house overlooking the ocean? To be with the love of your life forever? To have a place where you can help those in need, travel around the world or start that business you always wanted? Perhaps that your family relationships are better, or you finally get that Jaguar you have always wanted. As you make this list you realize what is truly important to you, what your deepest desires are, what you need to feel fulfilled. And the best part? You are creating your future; sending out a request to the universe, and it will all come to be. When I got divorced I was told to find someone for their money instead of love, so I can be comfortable and happy.
I said NO. I want it ALL or NOTHING. I want the best friend, romance, passion, love, mind-blowing sex, someone who puts me first, loves as I do, who understands me and appreciates me for who I am, who will not take advantage of me, and will actually protect my heart. Why? Because I DESERVE it. It is my Destiny. I will not settle again. I choose Love. ~Terri Wilson~ When you love you can forgive
When you forgive you heal yourself Healing yourself opens your heart Your heart opens your gifts Your shared gifts exude Unconditional love Unconditional love heals yourself and others. Choose Love. ~Terri Wilson~ You can have the relationship you have always dreamed of, but sometimes God tests you to see how bad you want it.
It is the same with anything else in life; you must fight for what you believe in, or remain in the purgatory of mediocrity. Do you want Heaven or Hell? It is your choice. Nothing worth having is easy, or free. Choose Love. ALL religion is Dogma.
Spirituality is a one on one relationship with God. God is LOVE, not fear, hatred, and exclusion. All Religions want to control you, this is why they have so many rules. No one should be trying to control anyone but themselves and their own reactions. You do not need a middleman to interpret what is right or wrong if you go within, and learn to love everyone where they are at. You simply love others or you do not. We are all just skin and bones around a soul, and all souls are connected to God/ Spirit/Source/The Universe; whatever you wish to call him/her. Love your brother, your sister, your neighbor your enemy and most of all: Love yourself. Choose Love. There are a lot of people who feel Healers should help everyone for free because their gifts are a gift from God. Meanwhile these same people have no problem paying their doctor, phone bill, plumber or mechanic for their services.
Those who expect all for free need to understand an EQUAL ENERGY EXCHANGE. Money is energy. If you need something, you need to give in return showing appreciation and respect another's time and energy, as they have bills to pay, and for many this is how they make a living. Be conscientious, respectful and appreciative of anyone who takes the time and expends their energy to help you. The energy they are using to help you can be very draining and they often need time to recuperate from expending this energy. Unfortunately we currently live in a society where people must pay for services. That is the reality of our situation and if you are living in the NOW and not the FUTURE you understand people have bills to pay, and you must respect that. Having said that, most who charge for services also are open to Equal Energy Exchanges and do a percentage of charity work as well. This is part of having balance in life. If you receive a "free service" one of the best ways to show appreciation and offer an Equal Energy Exchange is to give them a positive review if they have a business page or website. This helps them to find new clients who can afford to pay for their services. If you feel the need to control others ability to receive that is based on Judgement and your own fears of Money, receiving and Judgement that you are projecting onto others. Money is not evil. It is the attachment to money and intention and how you FEEL about it that is the problem. If you hate or fear money, this is something for you to heal from your past and not project that fear onto others. This is a Mirror Opportunity for you to heal yourself. It is a proven fact that those who pay for services tend to be more willing to put in the work required to heal themselves and move forward in their lives, and are happier as well. Focus on healing and controlling yourself, your reactions and your fears, not others and what they are or are not doing. The only thing you have control over is you. So take a long look in the mirror and look for WHY you cannot respect a healer for helping you. Remember Fear is the opposite of Love. Choose love. ~Terri Wilson~ If you are not just a Lightworker but a Twin Flame as well, this has been a trying time indeed.
The energies lately have been very challenging as many have noted. The universe is pushing us hard to clear out the last remaining particles of what no longer serves us and to get us on mission. I had to learn to balance myself and maintain that balance during stressful times, which would in turn help my Twin Flame keep his balance when he was going through things. It is similar to being on a high-wire, with someone beside you holding your hand so you do not fall off. The universe has sent things to work on to help us heal and move towards Full Union, and as we went through them, things got easier to balance out, and we moved through them easier and quicker. The universe has been turning up the heat and piling things on; for new beginnings and anything remaining from last year must go. My TF and I are working on the same exact things at the exact same time now, so it is twice as hard. We can feel each other, as well as our own issues, and now the issues are much deeper, the ones we have been missing or avoiding the most. These hidden issues are the ones most deeply tied to self love, unconditional love and most of all; forgiveness and self worth. Before we had to keep ourselves in balance while one or the other was going though things. Now we have to stay in balance within ourselves as well as together, healing our deepest fears and issues at the exact same time. Imagine both are on the high-wire now, walking toward each other, trying to maintain a balance as we go. Add to that all the distractions around us trying to make us lose our balance. These are the last steps toward Full Union. The key is to remain focused on the now, our healing, and keeping our balance. Too much focus on the past, the future or what is simply a distraction and we may fall off. We are almost at the middle point: full balance, and Full Union. And much like that high-wire, slow and steady with absolute trust will get us there. -Terri Wilson- Love yourself without needing another to validate you or caring what others think.
Hidden in your past all the way back to childhood are family templates or loops such as "not good enough" that you need to work through, heal and release. These templates have been passed down for generations from relatives for whom nothing you did was ever enough, or right, or perfect. Forgive them for passing this down to you. Forgive them for not loving themselves. Forgive yourself for letting them make you feel their opinions have control over your own self worth. The only approval and love you need is from yourself, not those committed to see the worst in you; who project their own fears and self limiting thoughts of not being good enough upon you... This is where your freedom lies. Choose Love -Terri Wilson- I was in a Reiki Circle today, and somehow the discussion became political. One of the attendees was discussing a political leader with such venomous negativity her hatred was palpable.
This was shocking to me, since we are supposed to be HEALERS. How else can you heal people, if not through love? The facilitator of the event and I pointed out to her that what she focused on would be amplified, and she was simply creating more negativity in her life and needed to change her perspective. She appeared to have never thought about it in those terms. This incident got me to thinking: How can you call yourself a healer and hate others when hate is not for the highest good of all? Hate envies, kills, destroys… Love comforts, manifests, heals. So a word of caution to all who are here to heal in any capacity: Make sure your focus is on what you WANT are here to do: HEAL AND LOVE at all times! Who is a healer?
You are here for a purpose and that purpose is to heal not to destroy. “Hatred paralyzes life; love releases it. Hatred confuses life; love harmonizes it. Hatred darkens life; love illuminates it.” -Martin Luther King Jr. Choose love not hate. Everything in life comes down to a choice. Always choose love. ~Terri Wilson~ Many people find it easy to forgive others. Some people don't find it so easy, but most struggle to finally figure out how to do so.
What many overlook is the one person you MOST need to forgive: YOURSELF. Lack of forgiveness is to hold on to anger, to hold onto fear, to hold onto the past, all of which hold you back from your true purpose and true potential in life, and can also affect your health in negative ways. So look into your past, what do you need to forgive yourself for and repeat this to yourself: I forgive myself for the bad choices I have made in my life. I forgive myself for not being perfect. I forgive myself for judging myself and others. I forgive myself for the times I have been week. I forgive myself for not doing my best 100% of the time. I forgive myself for lashing out in anger. I forgive myself for my reactions. I forgive myself for allowing things to happen as they did. I forgive myself for my mistakes. I forgive myself for letting others and myself down. I forgive myself for not trusting my inner knowing. I forgive myself for not putting myself first. I forgive myself not staying on track. I forgive myself for not reaching my goals, I can set new ones. I forgive myself for being afraid. I forgive myself for not doing the right thing. I forgive myself for hurting others. I forgive myself for procrastination. I am sure there are more, feel free to list them or what you need to forgive yourself for... and set yourself free. -Terri Wilson- I am going to let you guys in on a SECRET that may help you in your Twin Flame Journey.
24 years ago my Twin Flame said something to me that I CHOSE to withdraw from. We were BFF's and told each other everything, but I did not want to hear it... so I RAN. Not from him mind you, but from MYSELF. It was simple constructive criticism, however what he said hurt my feelings and instead of dealing with it; I simply walked away. I gave away my power. I was not in charge of me or my feelings. Instead of ACTING and facing what he said, and taking advantage of a GROWTH OPPORTUNITY, I REACTED and abdicated my throne of power. Why am I telling you this? Because so many of YOU are in fact the RUNNER in your Twin Flame Journey and do not even realize it. By expecting others to tiptoe around your very precious feelings, you are in fact inhibiting your own growth as a soul, thereby sabotaging your Twin Flame partnership. Let me repeat that: You are in fact inhibiting your own growth as a soul, thereby sabotaging your Twin Flame partnership! We are here to grow, we are not here to stagnate and if you are trying to CONTROL what you HEAR from others including your Twin Flame, you are simply blocking your own growth as a soul and as a Twin Flame. When you are not growing as a soul, you cannot move forward. When you cannot move forward, your Union suffers. Understand that we are Ambassadors of Unconditional Love, and part of that love begins with ourselves. Part of this soul growth is learning to not blame others for our feelings and triggers. Why? Because our reactions are our responsibility. As much as everyone is trying to make their reactions someone else's job now days: our Reactions to things is the one and only thing we have control over. So why give away your power and ALLOW someone else control over you? Realize that this is an active choice you are making. Is that what you want; For someone else to control how you feel? Do you want to live a life where others to have control over you and how you react? Or are YOU in charge of YOU? Understand that you will be triggered by others including your Twin Flame until you are not triggered anymore. This is to force you to face yourself, your pain, and heal your past so you BOTH can move forward... You cannot control what others say or do, you can only control how you choose to react! Stop giving away your power. Stop Blocking your Union. You are not a fragile being; you are a powerhouse of love and light, start acting like it. This is what your "Twin Flame Runner" is waiting for. This is why we are here Take back the reins of your own life and LEAD the healing of your Twin Flame Journey. Take back control of your life and lead your Twin Flame back to YOU, by doing the work. Heal yourself, heal your Union. Choose Love. ~Terri Wilson~ Your Twin Flame, people and their actions do not make you angry.
The wounds within from your childhood and your past that you have not healed make you angry. Lack of accountability for your feelings makes you angry. Lack of control of another or a situation makes you angry. Feeling rejected makes you angry. Feeling abandoned makes you angry. Placing the blame for your anger on others makes you angry. All are issues for you to heal from your past, not for others to tiptoe around. All are designed for you to go within and heal your past. When you are whole within, not much will make you angry, Once you know yourself, what people say or do cannot define you. The only thing you have control over is yourself and your reactions. Namaste' -Terri Wilson- Faith is so very important for creating your future.
Faith and love in itself is creation. For with love and faith all things are possible. -Terri Wilson- Soul mate connections show what you do /do not want in a relationship and point you to your truth.
How? Have you ever made a vase or bowl out of clay? You put a lump of clay on a wheel adding more clay here and removing from it what you do not want, shaping and reshaping until it is just right. Then you remove it, FIRE it up to CURE it and then paint it creating a beautiful masterpiece from what was once a simple lump of clay... It is in the final stages of creation that any remaining lumps that were missed are found are removed to create the final masterpiece. Much like the Twin Flame journey: we do not WANT to change until we MUST. The Twin Flame relationship is the final creation of our Lifetime Masterpiece in the Mastery of Self. That is where the beauty of this journey is. Our Twin Flame is the one who makes us finally work on ourselves... looking inward instead of outward blaming others...shaping and removing what does not belong and where we are purified by FIRE to become our true authentic selves: Beautiful, Strong, and Uniquely and Imperfectly Perfect. -Terri Wilson- To first understand why there is no False Twin, you need to understand what a Twin Flame is and what it is NOT.
I will use an analogy first to make this easier to comprehend using Fruit. Oranges are not Apples. Oranges have a hard outer skin that you must remove and peel with your hands and they are divided inside into sections with seeds in each of the sections. Apples have an outer skin that is edible and the inside is all one piece with the seeds down the middle almost like a separate section for just the seeds. There are many varieties of Oranges and many varieties of Apples, but you would never mistake one for the other, even though both are fruit. If I were to say an Orange is an Apple you would disagree because they are nothing alike. But If I say a Macintosh and a Granny Smith is an Apple, you would agree. Calling an Orange a False Apple would imply it is very much like an Apple, but as many have experienced; an Orange is nothing like an Apple. Now, if you had never SEEN, tasted or EXPERIENCED an Orange, you might think perhaps an Orange could be an Apple. You first would need to experience BOTH to know and be able to discern the difference. To Imply they are the same does not make sense, now does it? It is the same with Twin Flames and here is why there is NO False Twin Flame. You have many soul mates; one Twin Flame. A Twin Flame is ONE soul in TWO bodies. You will have the same energetic signature with the same values, wants, needs and desires but go about things very differently in a perfectly balanced manner. You will have a immensely calming unexplainable connection with this person and will love them unconditionally. It is a comfortable relationship, where you can be 100% yourself. A Soul mate is a part of your soul family. They are separate souls. Some of your Soul Family are here to support you and some are here to teach you lessons. One of the lessons you will have will be with a Karmic Partner who is a separate soul, which you have Prior to your Twin Flame. You may have met your Twin Flame first but will not be with them at this point, and may not be aware of who or what they are just yet. There will be an attraction with your Karmic Partner, but in the back of your mind if you are honest with yourself and pay attention to your intuition, something will be off. Your Guides may actually at some point tell you point blank what is wrong and to run (which happened to me two months into the relationship, but I did not listen.) You are to figure out what that is. This off behavior often becomes increasingly abusive behavior in some manner. A Karmic Partner is to show you what you DO NOT want. Karmic Partners are often Narcissists, who cannot and will not ever meet you halfway, will not try to improve themselves in any way because they feel they are never wrong. They will make everything your fault, with no accountability for their part in things. they will not look to improve themselves or the relationship. You may experience a Catalyst next who will pick you up off the floor after your Karmic Partner Relationship nearly destroys you and your self esteem. They will make you see there is a possibility to have what you always wanted and confirm that the Karmic Partnership is not what you want. Something will still be off or missing. This relationship is generally short and sweet, and both may be fresh out of Karmic Partnerships, Finally your Twin Flame will arrive and/or find you again and you will start to heal yourself. They will be ALL you have ever wanted and most importantly NEEDED. The emotions will be overwhelming and unlike any you have ever experienced before. Even though you will KNOW who they are you may not be ready ( you will later find you had other soul contracts to fulfill) or be terrified, due to all you have been through with your Karmic Partner. Your Twin Flame will love and accept your 100% for who you are. Twin Flames are loving and respectful. I repeat Twin Flames are LOVING and RESPECTFUL. They are not abusive because to hurt you is to hurt themselves. All the things your Karmic Partner said was wrong with you, your Twin Flame will love and appreciate. All the things you thought a true partnership should be WILL BE with your Twin Flame. Your Twin Flame will make you feel Loved, Appreciated, Cherished and Fulfilled in ways you never have experienced with anyone else before. Those who have not experienced all the above will be confused. They will even deny this is the process as they very much want to have a Twin Flame and they want one NOW and may say "all Twin Flame relationships are different." Much like the orange and apple, you first would need to experience BOTH the Karmic Partnership and the Twin Flame relationship to know and be able to discern the difference. To Imply they are the same does not make sense, now does it? In my experience, all Twin Flame relationships stories of those in Full Union are more ALIKE than not. You need to experience many relationships to learn how to recognize, give, receive and finally to BE love. No two are alike. As you progress from Soul mate, to Karmic Partner, Catalyst, to Twin Flame you will begin to truly understand the Twin Flame journey and why the other relationships are not the same and did not work out: they all were preparing you for this enduring love of a lifetime. It is important to know the Twin Flame Journey is a LONG process... one of ENDURING, UNCONDITIONAL Love, but worth It. If you do not feel this applies to you and that your journey is different, I have a suggestion: WAIT AND SEE before you decide. You have all the time in the world. You will see why it is a long process, why most Twin Flames do not come into Full Union until after they are 40 and why there is no False Twin Flame. -Terri Wilson- Everyone here has a different role to help us all move forward. Some will make you face your truth by triggering you, some will pamper you, some will do both.
The fallacy is in expecting everyone to see/do the same thing. You may not always like the answers you are given especially if you are looking for validation. Often in retrospect you will find that the truth of the situation that someone else saw, is a truth you simply were not ready for. You may need to ask yourself "is there an element of truth here that I need to hear right now? If so, what is it?" And do some honest digging. Many right now are getting triggered and tested more and more often. The closer to Union the faster and more furious the triggers to clear out what you need to heal. See these triggers are opportunities, not a need for alarm. In this opportunity it is important to be honest with yourself. If you are triggered there is a reason: You need to GROW. How do you know when you are triggered? You are angry, offended, sad, you need to make the other person see your point of view and agree with it. These are all elements you need to heal within from your past, not for others to tiptoe around (which would be control). Question everything about your reaction in order to grow: Why am I upset? Where have I felt this before? Is this something I have experienced many times with many people? Where does this come from in my childhood/past? What do I need to change in order to move forward and not blame others for my reactions? What do I need to heal? This journey is meant to teach us recognition, truth and to release what no longer serves us. What no longer serves is usually FEAR/EGO based reactions to things. This fear manifests as rejection, abandonment, the need to be right, being easily offended/taking everything personally, etc. Not all are on the same path, not all are Twin Flames, and not all need to agree on every tiny detail. You cannot make a Zebra a Bear. They are both animals, but they are not the same type of animal. Not all lightworkers are Twin Flames for a reason, all have a different purpose to move this planet forward to evolve. Not all parts of a car are the steering wheel, some must be tires, some must be the engine and some must be the gasoline. If you are a wheel accept that it is a very important job, equally as important as the engine, as an engine can go nowhere without wheels… Accepting yourself for who you are and accepting differences in others is vitally important on this journey. Expecting all to be and think exactly alike only holds you back. Go WITHIN as that is where your TRUTH lies. Not in what others have to say. If you are worried what others say or do, or need validation from others for your own truth, you are on the wrong path. Once you KNOW your truth, nothing anyone says or does will bother you, and you will be triggered less and less. When you reach this point, you will reach a whole new level of freedom: the freedom of letting go, the freedom to be yourself and accept that others can also be themselves and not be wrong. -Terri Wilson- I had an interesting vision while walking today:
The love of my life and I are on a C-130 flying with the side door open. My Twin Flame used to jump off airplanes for a living, and for whatever reason is afraid to jump off THIS one. I get impatient and push him out of the plane and as he turns around in disbelief, he grabs onto a cord connecting the two of us and yanks me out of the plane after him. I am annoyed and terrified and as we are falling towards the ground we start using the cord between us to pull ourselves together. He looks alternately pissed and amused. I am nervous and trying not to laugh or cry. When I reach him we grab onto each other and embrace, relieved, then we start rolling over and over. As we are rolling and hurtling downward, wings sprout and start to emerge out of our backs, his are black, mine white. As we continue to roll our wings are growing straighter and stronger. As they grow turbulence sets in and we start spinning and tumbling until we are tumbling away from but next to each other. We start to use our wings to stop the tumbling, slow down, and start flying. We look at each other grinning and finally grab on to each other's arms and start to fly together, then we let go and stay together flying separately but together until we make it to the ground. Seeing as this is a few Days prior to the Eclipse, there seem to be a lot of messages here! ~Terri Wilson~ Being "offended" is JUDGEMENT, and says more about the one who is Offended and what they need to HEAL within themselves than the Offender.
Our job is to focus on and heal ourselves and learn to control ourselves and our reactions: not to Judge and Control everyone else (lest we begin to think we are perfect and above reproach, which is NOT Love or Light, but casting darkness upon others. and in truth Projection of our own fears...) When you are Love and Light what others do does not bother you in the least, because you know it is none of your concern, out of your control and truly not for you to worry about. ~Terri Wilson~ Many people on the Ascension Path discover they are highly Empathic and have a hard time with the energy of others. Learning to stay balanced and not letting the energy of others affect you is of vital importance on this journey. Below is a simple way to take care of your energy and to protect your self from the energy of others. Do daily first thing in the morning or before bed. This practice is also important for any who do energy work: Psychics, Healers, Doctors and Physicians.
Next ask Arch Angel Raphael to fill you with his Green Healing Light and to fill any cut cords and attachments with green healing light as well, and send them back to where they came from, never to return.
If you get into the practice of doing this with your I AM and Gratitude Statements daily as a general rule, you will find it is much easier to handle anything that may come your way. Do before and after each Reiki session/ reading/ interaction as well, or if you have a run in with a negative person(s), and you will find you are more able to keep your balance when things get a little crazy! ~Terri Wilson~ The question many avoid regarding relationships is "do you love this person for who they are, or do you love the IDEA of who you want them to be?"
Many people are attached to labels on relationships and the IDEA of a relationship instead of actually looking at it for what it truly is. Boyfriend, Wife, Twin Flame, Soulmate: are all labels. "Because we are TF's" is a label not a reason to be in a relationship with anyone. Twin Flames are Divine EQUAL PARTNERS that are so alike we understand where each other is coming from, have the same values, wants needs and desires. All the things that break other relationships apart are eliminated, and instead, all we have to do is face ourselves in the mirror, each work on our own faults, fears and self-love. So be honest with yourself. Do you know who this person is at their CORE, what they want, need, desire, and WHO they are including their FLAWS? Can you accept them Unconditionally as is for all that they are? Can they be themselves? Bossy, pushy, tenacious, stubborn, sarcastic, impulsive: can you accept these traits in them? The next questions are
Is it not worth it, to know you are loved and accepted for who you truly are including your faults, and can you honestly do the same? Do you love the Idea of me, or who I really am? Because that is the only truth that matters in Love. ~Terri Wilson~ |
Terri WilsonThis Spiritual Journey has been an amazing one back to myself, becoming whole and realizing who I was meant to be. This Blog will be about Reiki, Spirituality, Love, Twin Flames, becoming healthy balanced and whole and all that I have learned along the way. Channeled messages, spontaneous poems, scribbles and memes will be mixed in. Instagram PostsArchives
February 2023