Why you do not LOOK for love, much less a Twin Flame. What you do to yourself when you LOOK for love is create an opportunity for disappointment. The point of the Twin Flame Journey is a journey to SELF: finding yourself and becoming whole and healthy on your own. You simply do not meet THE ONE by LOOKING. Why? Because you will continuously try to put a square peg into a round hole, trying to turn everyone you meet into your Twin Flame. This is not only unfair to them but to yourself, as you prevent yourself from GROWING which is the point of the Twin Flame Journey. When you NEED another to complete you, you are not WHOLE, and do not love yourself. You will continue to have negative relationships until you learn your lesson: Self love. Until you do your self-healing and release what no longer serves you, your fears will rule your life. What no longer serves you? What about YOU needs to change so your life will change for the better? What Self limiting beliefs need to go? What from your past do you need to let go of? What habits, jobs, thought processes, or relationships need to be purged? Where else in your life have you had these emotions? If you have NOT gone within and healed that which no longer serves you: Expectations, control issues, the need to know, despair, unworthiness feeling manipulated, blaming others and more; these things will control your life and affect your relationships. All of that needs to go, and only YOU can release them. If you TRULY want to be happy, you need to be able to be ALONE with YOURSELF, happy with yourself and with zero co-dependency. Here are two more reasons to do your self-work and not LOOK for your Twin Flame. Your Twin Flame and you are at the same vibrational frequency. As you do your self-work your Twin Flame will energetically do theirs in order to keep up, even if you are not speaking. So instead of preventing your Twin Flame Union, be chasing after them, you will draw them too you by your light, like a moth to a flame. Twin Flames do not incarnate in every life time. Let me repeat that: Twin Flames do not incarnate in every lifetime. We have many lessons with many contracts with others to fulfill in order to progress on our soul journey. By obsessing over the person who may or may not be your twin, you may be missing out on important lessons that are required to graduate to the next level of your journey. Thus interfering with your own union! Otherwise, sit on your merry-go-round instead of standing, and stop setting yourself up for the disappointment of repeating relationship cycles; you will be less dizzy. Or, better yet; jump off of that Merry-go-round, and get to work on yourself. -Terri Wilson- June 9, 2016 https://www.facebook.com/HeartsInBalance/ All of your life you had this idea of what it would be like when you found the ONE. Everyone has a different version of how the events will unfold, and no two are alike.
What is hard to do, is to BELIEVE that is the way it will happen as the years go by. As your friends get married, and people come and go, you lose sight of that vision. Many people go by how a friend tells them it will happen, but deep in your heart you KNOW the TRUTH. The TRUTH is it will happen exactly as you always thought it would. How do I know this? I have seen it. I have PARTICIPATED in it and I have LIVED it. I have always been a bit of a match maker. I have a knack for putting people together (just not myself…hmmm…but I digress…) One of my friends and I are out and discussing dating. I am telling her she needs to get out of her house, meet people and the right cone will run arrive. “No, someone will introduce me to him.” “What? Don’t be so closed minded, maybe you will find him when you least expect it?” “I will. But I think we will be introduced.” I thought she was crazy. Fast forward a year or so…I am out with a friend who I had just set up with HIS now wife. He brings a friend along. Hmmm….this guy is perfect for someone I know…so I arrange a meeting with him and my Friend. Neither knows it is a set up (which is the BEST way to match-make, as there is NO pressure.) They meet, can’t stop talking to each other. As we are leaving she proclaims “OMG that guy is so perfect for me!” “I know, that is why I dragged you here.” Two weeks later she calls me laughing “Remember me telling you someone would introduce me to the guy for me? THIS is the guy, and YOU introduced us! “I was floored, she was right! Not only did she say what she wanted to happen I was the one who facilitated it! I wanted the man for me to prove it beyond a shadow of a doubt. I felt he should be the one to initiate everything, and fight for it. Well, when they man for me finally showed up, he did JUST THAT. He even fought ME to prove it, and went so far as to say he would compete with anyone for me. Every time I told him I was not ready or to back off, he got more and more vulnerable, essentially cutting his heart out and handing it to me…now who can resist that? But it was exactly as I had always imagined. Now the point of all this is: How did you imagine finding your true love would go down? You hunting him to the ends of the earth? Or him declaring his undying love to you? If what you are involved in is not the way you envisioned, perhaps, you should take a step back: SLOW DOWN…and make sure you get the love of your life the way you always imagined… -Terri Wilson February 14, 2016 https://www.facebook.com/HeartsInBalance/ www.heartsinbalance.com Twin Flames are an example of an ENDURING love, one that transcends all others, all time, all space, all dimensions. This love endures all trials, all troubles, all obstacles and overcomes.
The reason is it is a journey to self love, unconditional love. Your Twin Flame is you. You are them. This means what you need they need, and what they need you need. So if you need space, and to not to be smothered in a relationship, you need to give them that. If you need reassurance when you are down, give them that, too. Only YOU know what you want and need in a relationship, and for a relationship with your Twin Flame the first thing you need to make sure is in place is your relationship with yourself. Once you can give to yourself unconditional love, accept and give without expectation, you are ready for your Twin, because you are already whole without them. If you stop and listen in the silence within your heart, you can FEEL what is going on with your TF and you will know what you need to do, and what not to do. Others can tell you what to look for. What the signs are. With Twin Flames this is universal. But only YOU know what you and your TF NEED. The question is can you be HONEST with yourself about it? Can you do what is needed and heal yourself FIRST, so you can ensure a smooth and harmonious union? If you can, you will have that enduring love; in Divine timing of course.. -Terri Wilson= July 16, 2016 https://www.facebook.com/HeartsInBalance/ 80% of what you see in another is from something you need to heal from your past.
When you are triggered by another and realize this, the FIRST place we need to look is WITHIN. Ask yourself "where have I felt this way before?" Get a shovel and go DEEP into your past all the way to BIRTH and dig out the root of your fears! This is the key to moving forward on your journey. The only thing holding you back from your future is your past. Dig it up, and let it go! Become the finest version of yourself. Choose Love. ~Terri Wilson~ www.heartsinbalance.com Thoughts and words have power. What you think becomes, what you speak the Universe will send you MORE of, because that is where your focus lies.
So where has your focus been? Be honest with yourself. Have you been focused on all the bad/ negative things in your life? Are your posts mostly about your fears and woes? Or your celebrations/ what you are looking forward to? Misery is addicting, but only brings more misery with it. Don't you think you deserve better? Don't you think you deserve to be happy? Would you like to see positive changes in your life NOW? If so, I have a positivity challenge for you! Try this for at least a week: 1) Every AM/PM say 3 gratitude statements and 3 positive affirmations. Write them down in a journal. Start all 6 Statements with "I AM" Do 2x/day every single day. 2) NO COMPLAINTS about ANYTHING at all for a week. No posting of complaints, no thoughts of complaints, no complaints at all. 3) Focus only on what you WANT and write this down too! Make sure it is stated in a POSTIVE way! 4) Every time you catch yourself falling back into negativity, change the statement/complaint to a positive. Do NOT beat yourself up, simply restate and go about your day. It will take time to change this habit, so have patience and compassion for yourself, you are learning a new skill. This is how you will rewire your brain, replacing the negativity in your life which has been holding you back with a more positive mindset! That positivity will create more positivity, more abundance and more opportunities for positive things to happen in your life! You can ask Arch Angel Metatron to help you with this as well. He helps you have more positive thoughts and actions, more energy, joy, and fun in your life: opening you up to more abundance. It is time for you to take control of your life and change that for the better and only YOU can do so by choosing to. Climb out of that rut, and up to the top of that mountain of love. If you are up for it, comment "challenge accepted." If you want to post below instead of in a journal, that is OK too! -Terri Wilson- February 9, 2017 https://www.facebook.com/HeartsInBalance/ When you heal yourself, are you healing your twin flame.
Understand that if Your Twin Flame needs healing, you do as well, it is never a one sided thing. The silence and separation is to trigger both into this healing. It is a time to get to work on the businesses or healing all the parts of yourself and you past so you can become whole before Union. Remember: You are two halves of the same soul in two bodies, and share the exact same energetic signature: Your Twin Flame will energetically keep up with you. As you heal yourself, they heal themselves. Much like a tandem bicycle; where the one goes, so does the other. They learn through you... This is a partnership of equals. 100% +100%= Union. -Terri Wilson- July 6, 2014 https://www.facebook.com/HeartsInBalance/ He appeared from the past with his chisel and brush.
Chipping and brushing away the dust and the pain. Removing the layers that did not belong. And set about the restoration of her heart. Bringing it back to the beginning… Back to trust. Back to Love. Back to him… -Terri Wilson- October 2014 https://www.facebook.com/HeartsInBalance/ If you are a Lightworker and a Twin Flame as well, this has been a trying time indeed.
The energies lately have been very challenging as many have noted. The universe is pushing us hard to clear out the last remaining particles of what no longer serves us and to get us on mission. I had to learn to balance myself and maintain that balance during stressful times, which would in turn help my Twin Flame keep his balance when he was going through things. It is similar to being on a high-wire, with someone beside you holding your hand so you do not fall off. The universe has sent things to work on to help us heal and move towards Full Union, and as we went through them, things got easier to balance out, and we moved through them easier and quicker. Now the universe is turning up the heat, and piling things on. This is a number 1 year, for new beginnings and anything remaining from last year must go. My TF and I are working on the same exact things at the exact same time now, so it is twice as hard. We can feel each other, as well as our own issues, and now the issues are much deeper, the ones we have been missing or avoiding the most. They are the ones most deeply tied to self love, unconditional love and most of all; forgiveness. Before we had to keep ourselves in balance while one or the other was going though things. Now we have to stay in balance within ourselves as well as together, healing our deepest fears and issues at the exact same time. Imagine both are on the high-wire now, walking toward each other, trying to maintain a balance as we go. Add to that all the distractions around us trying to make us lose our balance. These are the last steps toward Full Union. The key is to remain focused on the now, our healing, and keeping our balance. Too much focus on the past, the future or what is simply a distraction and we may fall off. We are almost at the middle point: full balance, and Full Union. And much like that high-wire, slow and steady with absolute trust will get us there. -Terri Wilson- April 30, 2017 https://www.facebook.com/HeartsInBalance Life is a spiral or series of spirals. We spiral up or down in vibration depending on where we are and where our perspective is in our life’s journey.
We are meant to spiral upwards in vibration: touching on lessons and moving forward in a constant flow of learning and mastery. As we master each lesson presented, and as in any spiral; you loop back around to fine tune what we have already learned and /or to pick up what we may have missed, or to reinforce what we have already learned. Often what happens is we miss the lesson or repeat it, and start to spiral downward in vibration instead of up. We stop learning, and growing and stay stuck in a loop, much like when a record on a record player gets stuck and repeats the same thing over and over and over. How do we know when we are stuck and spiraling downward into lower vibrations? When you are repeating the same thing over and over, looking for validation that we are right, instead of looking for wisdom that we may have missed or are not open to the need to change our perspective. When we ask the same questions over and over until we get the “right“ answer, instead of listening for TRUTH in the answers given, we are on the wrong path spiraling downward to low vibration. When you are complaining about yourself, your life, other people and things, and placing blame you are spiraling downward. Choose to spiral up, by learning to go within, become self reflective and ask “what could I have done differently?” “what is my lesson here?” “what do I need to change?” Accept that you are not perfect, and love yourself anyway. Figure out how and why YOU are holding YOU back. Consider what you need to look at, change, and heal about yourself: habits, jobs, relationships, attitudes, perspectives, childhood and relationship issues that need to be released, to name a few. Realize that not everything you NEED to hear is what you WANT to hear. What you truly need is the TRUTH. Are you avoiding your own growth by taking drugs, drinking, or doing anything and everything to not be confronted by TRUTH? What is the right thing for you and your highest good is never the easy thing. It is the HARD things that make you grow the most, and the fastest. The things you are afraid to do are often the very thing that will catapult you on your path forward and upward on the next loop of your spiral UP to a higher vibration. -Terri Wilson- April 30, 2017 https://facebook.com/HeartsInBalance Those on the Ascension, Lightworker and/or Twin Flame path are here to clear old paradigms or templates.
The templates we are clearing are those of LIMITATION: Control, Conditions, Expectations. Religion, Race, Age, Distance, Time and Gender. We are unconditional love. You will lose old to make room for new, and this includes friends and family members, jobs. Those friends and family old thought processes and templates are not headed to where you are. Learn to take what resonates and leave the rest. At some point what did/did not resonate may change, so the key is to be flexible in your unconditional love and reactions. -Terri Wilson- www.heartsinbalance.com Do not be afraid to walk away from your Twin Flame.
This does not mean to give up. You will always find your way back to each other, and the development of the 5D communication develops and strengthens in the separation stage. Think of separation like making a pie. You get the filling together and set aside, then you get to work on the crust. Since the crust is important to keep the pie together it needs more time and attention than the filling, which can be any flavor you want. but the crust must be strong and prepared before the filling goes into it. Sometimes the filling can be done after the crust is ready to go, but in all cases the crust must be done before the filling can go into it. You both have very important self-work to do (the pie crust) much of which must be done alone, in Solitude and Silence. Inner Healing is Hard work and very important for a smooth transition into Union(the completed pie). Let them become the strong whole individual they were meant to be as you work to do the same. Send love from your heart, enjoy the silence, and get to work on your piece of that pie. -Terri Wilson_ Copyright 2017 https://www.facebook.com/HeartsInBalance/ Remember why we are here...to raise the earth's vibration.
The most effective thing you can do to change the world is not to focus on trying to control others and tell them what to do, or not do; but to focus on how you can control yourself, and your reactions to others and become the example you want others to follow. Trying to control anything or anyone is an EGO based template we are here to release. Any time you are angered by another's belief system you are in EGO, and working from a lower vibration. Focus on your square patch of earth, be positive and raise your vibration. Help yourself so you can help others who see what you are doing. Judging others for what they do, or do not do is not our job, and lowers our vibration thereby lowering the vibration of the earth. Are you judging and trying to control others by forcing your opinion upon them? Do you feel the need to be right? Or are you focused on yourself, releasing all that no longer serves you, and raising your vibration? We have to raise our own vibration in order to raise the Earth's. Terri Wilson Copyright 2017 www.heartsinbalance.com I am a healer.
I am here to help you heal yourself, your past, your heart, your mind, your life. I will tell you what I see and give you the tools to move on. I will prop you up on your feet and push you forward. I will NOT sugarcoat things, as sugar does not heal, it feeds dis-ease. I will not hold your hand for the rest of eternity nor do I want "hangers on" or "followers," as my EGO does not require this. I want you strong, beautiful, independent and WHOLE within yourself. My goal is to bring out the true essence of YOU, to help you find your truth and push you out of the nest, not to keep you here forever in a state of limbo with an unhealed Ego. To do this will require work on your part. If you are not willing to do the work on yourself, you are wasting both of our time. You need to love yourself enough to do the work required to move forward. This requires focus, changing your perception of things and making yourself and your healing a priority. There needs to be an equal energy exchange, as nothing in this life is free. If you cannot afford help, message me and we will work something out. Time and energy is precious and valuable, make the most of it! -Terri Wilson- April 17, 2017 https://www.facebook/HeartsInBalance [email protected] |
Terri WilsonThis Spiritual Journey has been an amazing one back to myself, becoming whole and realizing who I was meant to be. This Blog will be about Reiki, Spirituality, Love, Twin Flames, becoming healthy balanced and whole and all that I have learned along the way. Channeled messages, spontaneous poems, scribbles and memes will be mixed in. Instagram PostsArchives
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