All Negative thought goes into your Aura and Pain Body, then your Chakras, manifesting into Dis-ease and Physical Pain. It is when we learn to go within to find and heal that pain that we are able to remove it. With this realization and discovery that we can go within and heal ourselves, we begin to CHOOSE our thoughts in order to PREVENT Dis-ease and pain from manifesting. ~Terri Wilson~ As I am scrolling through my "On This Day" posts on Facebook, which shows all your posts from that day for years prior, I ran across a few from the year of my divorce, saying how grateful I was for my friends and their support:
"So humbling to hear what your friends really think about you. Thanks ___&___ for a great dinner and positive energy!" "I am fortunate to have such h a great network of friends. Thanks ___, ___, and ___ for a great day yesterday." It was a hard year for me, but I had an amazing network of friends to support me. Two weeks later my Twin Flame would find me. He was my very best friend from 25 years ago, and we had lost contact for 19 years. I had always wondered what happened to him, how he was and often tried to find him to no avail, it was a miracle that he found me after all these years. I was so overjoyed that he found me again I thought my heart would burst. As we were catching up I told him about my impending divorce, and made the comment -how grateful I was to have an amazing network of friends supporting me through this difficult time.- A few months later my divorce was final, I was throwing out things and found an old letter from him from so long ago. As I read the letter it became clear he had been in love with me. I was dumbfounded. How did I not see this? Was this why he found me? Was this why I always looked for him, and thought of him? Then I realized I had not heard from him since we reconnected. I was so caught up in my divorce and moving I had not realized it. I messaged him that I found the letter, and he wanted me to read it to him. As we reconnected again, I asked where he had been the past few months, why had he disappeared? He said when I told him I had a great network of friends to support me -he thought I meant I did not need him in my life.- Why would he think that??? How could he have gotten that from what I said, especially in the context I was saying it? I felt nothing could have been further from the truth, I very much wanted him in my life, I missed by Best Friend and did not want to lose him again. This is a very important part of the twin Flame journey all need to pay very close attention to: His reaction to what I said had absolutely NOTHING to do with me or what I said or did: is reaction was based on his past, his childhood and fears of rejection from so long ago. Let me repeat: His reaction had nothing to do with me or what I said. His reactions had had everything to do with his own past, fears, hurts, trauma and childhood. As we progressed through our Journey we triggered the most profound and hidden fears within each other. I found my self overreacting to things he said and wondering why, and especially why with Him when this had never been an issue before with us? He was reacting to things the exact same way I did as well, another interesting revelation. We had never had a disagreement before but everything was causing extreme reactions in the both of us. We were reacting to things that had nothing to do with the TRUTH of our relationship. It was scary as this was the ONE person I never wanted to cause any pain. I was terrified of hurting him. I was terrified of being hurt myself. I was just plain terrified. What if I lost him AGAIN after all these years? He was so loving and supportive, which I had never experienced in a relationship except with him. It was confusing that I was so afraid of the one and only man I had ever truly trusted 100%. This sent us on the most profound discovery of our lives: One of self-love, and the realization that our reactions truly had nothing to do with each other, but with all the relationships of our past that needed to be healed. We were triggered to heal the parts of us containing all the hurts and fears of the past that held us back from our future: Feeling unworthy of love, not good enough, all have to be healed before we can be together. So often as I work with other Twin Flames the questions comes up: "Why does my Twin Flame Run From me? Why does m y Twin Flame Reject me? Why does my Twin Flame abandon me?" The answer truly is so we can learn to stop running from ourselves, rejecting ourselves, and abandoning ourselves. Looking back another truth has come forward... He was right, I did not NEED him in my life...I still do not NEED him in my life, but I do very much WANT him in my life. Here it is years later and I am finally on the path of Independence I always wanted to be on- Finding happiness within myself and my life purpose, becoming whole, and doing what I was put on this to do. This is what your Twin Flame is here for: To lift you up out of your Co-dependence and fears, and to remind you of the strong independent and whole person you truly are. Please understand: your Twin Flames reactions are not about you. Their reactions are about themselves and what they need to heal within. So are yours! So when you or your Twin Flame is reacting, you are being given the gift of time and silence to heal,. So take advantage of the opportunity, get to work, start healing so you can stop reacting, and come into Full Union. ~Terri Wilson~ We are all one, but we are not all the same, for a reason.
People get the "we are all one" thing twisted sometimes, wanting everyone to be the same, saying we are all the same and anyone who does not agree thinks they are better than others, and is wrong. Here is an example you may be able to understand of why that is simply not true: We all know what the Human body is, and that all cells start out from one, and evolve into different parts that serve different functions, yes? You have one human body, made up of different parts, each with a specific function. You have eyes to see, ears to hear, a tongue to taste, feet to move yourself around, and arms to hug those you love. None of these parts is the same, even though they came from the same place, none are better than the other… but all are a part of the human body. We cannot call a heart a lung, as they do not do the same thing or serve the same purpose. We can respect their labels so we know which part of the body we are talking about, and respect they cannot possibly be the same in order for the body to function as it should. In the world we have different people with different gifts, each serving a different purpose: some to grow food, some to heal others, some to teach, etc. All come in different colors, yet none are better than the other. You of course would agree to all of the above. In order for society to function, we must all respect the differences of others, and in fact celebrate it! Without a police officer we would not have order, without a farmer we might not eat, without a builder we might not have a place to live. All are important and necessary, yet all are very different and all serve a very specific function for society. Consider a fence: In order for it to be strong, it needs posts put into holes in the ground, with rails in between, pickets or a grids between the posts and rails, and a gate, so you can get in and out. Notice they all have a different label, serve a different purpose, yet all are equally important for the fence. We cannot call an orange an apple, but both are fruit. An apple you can eat without peeling, and orange, we must peel. Yet both are amazing in their differences. If I asked you to pass me the sugar, and you cannot tell the difference between that and salt without the label, is that label not important to help you recognize which is which? Not to make one bad or wrong, but simply to know what is what. The label of things is not a bad thing, unless you attach a negative connotation to it, and that of course is a personal choice. You can choose to make it a negative or positive. It is important to know the difference between apple juice and gasoline. Does it not make sense then, that all people should not be expected to look, think and be the same, act the same, do the same things, and want the same? Of course not! Why not celebrate and respect our differences, instead of demanding all are the same when it is obvious we are not? The world would be a much happier place if people understood this simple principal, don’t you think? -Terri Wilson- Part of self-love is being accountable and responsible for yourself.
Mature, responsible adults learn to take care of themselves, they contribute to society in a positive way, do not have unrealistic expectations of themselves the world and others, and do not expect everything to be handed to them or that everything should be free. It is a proven fact that those who work for their money feel psychologically better about themselves than those who do not. When people know they are contributing to the whole, they have self-respect, a better attitude about themselves, life, and others in general. The worst thing you can do for someone is to do everything for them which makes them feel they cannot do for themselves. This starts in childhood. A parents responsibility is to raise their children to become strong adults. Giving your child simple chores makes them feel like they are a part of the family, gives them a sense of accomplishment, that they can so something well which will lead them to a sense of dignity and self-worth. As they get older you add to the list of chores or things they can do to help, as well as adding things they can earn money for that are not done on a regular basis. Give them choices or options, so they learn they can make their own decisions which will lead to them learning to make wise decisions, to think for themselves, become independent and able to take care of themselves. When your child makes a mistake there needs to be a natural consequence, so they learn how to recuperate from that and that the world does not end when they make a poor choice. Just be sure the consequence fits the crime. For example, drawing on the wall means you lose your crayons for a week...stay out late with the car; you lose the car keys...etc. Even those with disabilities can help in some way, it is just a matter of figuring out what they can do as opposed to what they cannot, as well as what they are good at. Everyone is good at something, but learning this and feeling good about yourself always starts at home. A strong home life builds a strong child and prepares them for school, dealing with others and the big wide world out there. Strong children become strong adults. Strong adults love themselves. Those who love themselves do not have the need to depend upon, take advantage of or harm others or themselves. So teach your children, build them up show them how to love themselves and others and you will change the world. ~Terri Wilson~ Part of becoming who you are supposed to be,
is unbecoming what everyone wanted you to be. Follow your heart, not the crowd. You are not meant to be like everyone else, You are meant to be amazing, unique and different. So go find that which is inherently you, what sets you apart, Go find your truth. Where you ask? Within. Only you have the answers to the yearning of your heart and soul. What makes your heart beat faster? What sets your mind on fire? What makes you feel fulfilled, whole and complete? What excites you and makes you want to keep searching, learning and stretching for more? That is your path....go find it, Even if you must cut away the brambles of your heart. Clear the path to your Soul, let the light in. And see, finally see who you are meant to be. -Terri Wilson- Sometimes a fire is started you simply can’t put out
It happens when you find the one you cannot live without. Nothing else will matter, no one will ever do The only one you’ll ever want is the one made just for you. The huger is insatiable, the feelings so intense You will know they are the one for you, no sitting on the fence. Passion like you have never known, your soul will be on fire For the one who stokes the blaze in you and fills you with intense desire This fire it will consume you, it comes to heal your soul It burns away all of your pain, it comes to make you whole. And when this fire is finished, from ashes you will rise. You will be a whole new you, feeling so much more alive. You will know you are unstoppable, nothing can hold you back. This fire that has come to claim you has cleared out all your lack. Never more will you be alone, you’ll face all of your fears You finally will have all the love you need from the one you hold so dear. You will blaze a trail together, like no one has ever seen. You’ll show just what can happen when you choose to follow your dreams. Terri Wilson |
Terri WilsonThis Spiritual Journey has been an amazing one back to myself, becoming whole and realizing who I was meant to be. This Blog will be about Reiki, Spirituality, Love, Twin Flames, becoming healthy balanced and whole and all that I have learned along the way. Channeled messages, spontaneous poems, scribbles and memes will be mixed in. Instagram PostsArchives
February 2023