I'm sorry for being more than you expected,
more than you realized, more than you bargained for. I'm sorry for disappointing you, for not being perfect. I'm sorry you said you loved everything about me including my flaws and when my flaws came into focus they were too much for you. I'm sorry you were overwhelmed. and unprepared for the raw and true being of who I am. I am sorry for things I said while I was healing, for overreacting from fear and for projecting my past onto you. I am ever so grateful for the lessons I have learned, the healing that has occured, making me stronger and bringing me back to myself. I am so grateful to finally have expereiced a love where I felt cherished, wanted, needed, where love is shared and reciprocal. It is truly a gift. However, I am not sorry for the love that I feel for you, my inability to stop loving you, The power of how I feel and how it manifests. I only wish you could meet me halfway on that breaker of desire and truth... where unconditional love and fulfillment meet, where expectations vanish and culminate into the reality of Two Souls combining into one. Beyond limitations, beyond control, beyond fear Evolving into an inspired love of the ages: Unstoppable, unconditional, uncontrollable, undefinable, and free... ~Terri Wilson~ www.heartsinbalance.com #comingintobalance #heartsinbalance #reiki #twinflames This has been an inescapable year of change for everyone...
full of varying degrees of highs and lows with plenty of much needed time alone to reflect on the past and the future... Looking back on 2020 and forward onto 2021: (and leaving Politics and the Virus out of it) What are the postive things that have and/or will come out of this past year? What have you learned about yourself? What have you learned about others? What did you need to let go of? What did you need to change in order for you to move forward? What cycles/patterns needed to change? What self limiting thoughts had to go? Who had to go? What have you healed? What are you looking forward to? What are you grateful for? Where will you go from here? ~Hearts In Balance~ Terri Wilson www.heartsinbalance.com #comingintobalance #heartsinbalance #reiki #twinflames |
Terri WilsonThis Spiritual Journey has been an amazing one back to myself, becoming whole and realizing who I was meant to be. This Blog will be about Reiki, Spirituality, Love, Twin Flames, becoming healthy balanced and whole and all that I have learned along the way. Channeled messages, spontaneous poems, scribbles and memes will be mixed in. Instagram PostsArchives
February 2023