Blows over and through your soul like a cold wind Freezing your potential like the cold freezes your breath Prevents you from attaining that which is rightfully yours You must go a different direction Use different tools Take a path unknown to you To come out on the other side Away from fear, to Love… ~Terri Wilson~ www.heartsinbalance.com Be aware of what people and groups actually stand for. Some sound really good, but in fact are not for the highest good of all even though they use terms that may lead you to think so.
"Social Justice, For example. "Social Justice" is passive aggressive bullying. Why? Facts matter. Truth matters. Opinions and Feelings are neither Facts or Truth. Most who are involved in Social Justice do not care for the facts of the matter, just the outcome they wish to see, which often has zero to do with the truth. Equality does not come from revenge. Revenge is not Justice, yet many appear to have these terms confused. Empowerment doesn't come from a victim mentality. Mob mentality does not heal or make things better. Trying to make everyone alike you does not make things equal. Differences are actually a good thing, and something that promotes growth. How can you create true social justice then? Focus on becoming a better person and embody what you want to see in others. Be the change you want to see in the world. How you would like to be treated? What does that look like? Does attacking others promote acceptance, healing and moving forward? Or would a calm rational conversation where both sides tried to understand the other be more effective? Are you asking your neighbor what they think, or are you accusing them of what your fears tell you they think? Or, even worse, are you accusing them of what someone else told you they think? It is time to start using our discernment and thinking very critically of who and what we are aligning ourselves with. Sometimes the best way to heal a would is to stop picking at the scab and to focus on other things... Align yourself with Love. Love is always the answer. ~Terri Wilson~ www.heartsinbalance.com |
Terri WilsonThis Spiritual Journey has been an amazing one back to myself, becoming whole and realizing who I was meant to be. This Blog will be about Reiki, Spirituality, Love, Twin Flames, becoming healthy balanced and whole and all that I have learned along the way. Channeled messages, spontaneous poems, scribbles and memes will be mixed in. Instagram PostsArchives
February 2023