Words have power. Thoughts have power. Intention has power.
All are energy. Energy is for creating, and used to manifest what we want. We all must learn to learn to think and speak with intention in order to manifest what we want. If you understand this, you can also understand that what you think is important, even if and especially if you are just saying it to yourself. So, before you speak, type, and think; consider what you are putting out to the universe, as that is what you will manifest. The universe does not understand "not" or "do not." If you "want a better job" say precisely that. Do not say "I do not want another horrible job" as that is exactly what you will get! If you want a true and everlasting love, SAY IT! Would anyone in their right mind say they want a false love? Of course not. The words you use are very important, so pay close attention to them. Do you want a magical life full of love and adventure? Yes? Say it, think it, and choose your words wisely! Terri Wilson May 30, 2017 Hi! I am Crystal Healer, the Reiki Proxy Bear.
I wanted to introduce myself to you! I work with Terri at Hearts in Balance, and I have a very important job. When Terri sends Distant Reiki to people, she usually does not do so by herself, she often uses me as a "Proxy" to send Reiki to clients around the world. Whatever Terri normally does in a Reiki Session, she does with me as it if she was with you in person. So if she sends Reiki to you, I lend a hand to help her know what needs to be healed as if she were there with you. I love helping people, children, and animals heal and I look forward to working with you very soon! Feel free to ask me questions, too, Terri won't mind, I promise! -Crystal Healer, RCB (Reiki Care Bear)- May 17, 2017 https://www.facebook.com/heartsinbalance The energies of late have had many Twin Flame's heads spinning.
Feeling up, down, tired, bursts of energy, emotional one day, disconnected from their Twin Flame the next day, But now... Do you feel it? When Twin Flames first met, things went from "this is amazing!" to "what the hell just happened?" The universe brought you together early so you could learn to balance yourself, your emotions, your lives. Both became head over heels and far to codependent on their Twin Flame, with each taking turns running and chasing as all their childhood and relationship issues came up for clearing, so Separation was initiated. If you are the Divine Feminine, you have been working on your balance for years. Clearing what no longer serves with monthly tests to throw you off balance and see how quickly you bounce back to maintain that balance. Once you got it under control, it was the Divine Masculine's turn. They have been healing the past few months and whether you have been aware or not, you gave them the cheat sheet energetically, and they have been getting their life and emotions into balance. So no: do you feel the balancing between your Twin Flame and yourself? Do you feel calm, relaxed...easy... because you are now heading in the same direction? There are a few more tests ahead, but as you are coming into alignment for Union with your Twin Flame, you will feel them around you and within you more easily with less focus on what the other is doing and more on your own lives, as it should be. Neither dependent upon the other. Each whole within themselves, with all the edges rounded out. This is how a perfectly balanced partnership is. And it feels Perfect. Divine. Truly Balanced. -Terri Wilson- May 17, 2017 http://www.facebook.com/HeartsInBalance One of the biggest questions I get about Twin Flames, Soul Mates and relationships in general is how the “Mirror Effect” works.
Imagine yourself standing face to face with another person. When they hold a mirror up to you, what do you see? You see YOURSELF. You do not see them. You see your flaws staring back at you: A blemish, wrinkles, a gray hair, the spot of Salsa on the collar of your shirt. When applied to a relationship the Mirror simply reflects back to you what you need to address about YOURSELF: your fears, your past, your failures… What you do not see is THEM, and what THEY need to work on. Why? Because It is none of your business. I repeat: What the other person needs to work on is none of your business! Many think the mirror is for them to show their partner what is wrong with them. Nothing could be further from the truth. This is placing blame upon the other and projecting YOUR issues onto them so your do not have to be accountable for your reaction. Please understand you only have control over yourself and your reactions, you have no control over what others think, say or do. If your focus is on what another is or is not doing, you are creating your own misery by trying to control them and the outcome of your relationship. You need to become accountable for YOURSELF, control yourself and your reaction. Now, let's take that “Mirror Effect” one step further, and this is what is vitally important in relationships: What is that mirror reflecting back to you? Abandonment? Rejection? Jealousy? Lack of Self Worth? Not being Good Enough? Control? Betrayal? The need to KNOW? Whatever it is, it is for YOU to heal. It is not anyone else’s problem. Go into your past, all the way through childhood back to birth. Where have you felt this way before? THAT is where your focus needs to be. Dig for every event and instance tied to this emotion and release it. It does not serve you anymore, except to hold you back from being your true self. It prevents you from having loving fulfilling relationships. All these events that no longer serves you is lurking in your past for you to dig up and release. Once you do this work, you will find your mind calms, your relationships with others will heal. You will not care what others think or be triggered by what they say, do or not do any longer. You will be able to love yourself, and because of this be able to love and accept others for who they are. You will also not mind looking into that mirror anymore… you might actually like what you see: UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. -Terri Wilson- October 28, 2016 https://www.facebook.com/HeartsInBalance When people ask what I do, they often ask how Reiki works and how it heals.
It can be a bit difficult to explain to some but perhaps this will help: Reiki practitioners are basically conduits of healing energy. We pull healing energy from God/Source/The Universe/Spirit into and through us, it then comes out of our hands into the person to be healed. This healing energy can be sent over great distances, or sent continuously through crystals or crystal grids. Reiki can be sent into the past or future, to events such as a divorce, past trauma, or past life, to animals, plants and food. Reiki's healing energy goes where it needs to without having to be told what needs to be healed within the client. All we need to do to access this energy is think of Reiki and to whom we want the energy to go to and it is sent. Anyone who can see energy will see an immediate shift in our energy as well as where it is going and how it is working. Often the Healer is given clues to what is going on with the healing energy and the client. When Reiki Healing is combined with other gifts such as Clairsentience, Claircognizance, and Clairvoyance, we often feel/ see/ know what needs to be addressed. Empaths and Clairsentients feel what others feel or what is present and cannot be seen. Claircognizance is the gift of knowing, and Clairvoyance is the gift of seeing. All these gifts work together and when combined with Reiki: amplify the healing that can take place in a client. What makes me an effective healer in Reiki is I often feel(Clairsentience) physically or emotionally where the client may have a problem, see (through Clairvoyance) sometimes in symbols such as animals or crystals, Colors that apply to which chakras need to be balanced and healed, and In other cases I simply know (Claircognizance) why they do what they do and what they need to do to heal/ where there may be issues that need to be attended to in my clients. Here are a few examples: When a client has a physical throat issue, such as being a smoker or having tumors; my mouth waters. If they are pregnant or trying to get pregnant; I feel it in my ovaries. When they have emotional issues that need to be healed; I may cry or see the crystals needed to help them heal in specific areas. (Crystals have many metaphysical healing properties as do Essential Oils.) Other times I see animals that apply to what they need to be aware of or should currently focus on. If this is hard for you to imagine, think about many known healers in real life: Jesus, Mother Teresa, Gandhi, and Florence Nightingale. Or in the movie "The Green Mile" there are many examples shown of what it is like to be an empath and how energy healing works, though exaggerated for dramatic appeal. Remember the character John Coffee, the gentle giant in jail for the rape and murder of two young girls? The authorities assumed it was he that killed them, but as the movie goes on you see he simply found them, could not help them and was falsely accused. You can see the Prison guards are skeptical at first, but through seeing and experiencing the healing in action, they come to believe and understand the truth about that Gentle Giant and his healing abilities, even sneaking him out of the jail to help heal the tumor of the warden's wife. John Revives Mr. Jingles https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2c2NxzfnitI John Heals Tom Hanks Character: Paul Edgecomb https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4uDhwFU9unc John Heals the Warden's Wife https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M4iUQskA1ok John explains what he feels from others https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p6lv_8qO5x0 All Healers are different, possessing different gifts, but you get the idea of the skepticism we get when people first hear about what we do. Some people have to feel the healing energy it to believe it. Next time you feel you need help, but are not sure where to go...try Reiki. You will get more healing than you could ever imagine. Terri Wilson May 10, 2017 Https://www.facebook.com/HeartsInBalance I am not exaggerating. I have had brutal allergy symptoms for over 20 years, starting the end of April/ beginning of May to the point of not being able to work for a few days generally around the time of the Kentucky Derby. Fruit Tree pollen is prevalent around that time, and I am a 10 on a 1-10 scale of being allergic to it... If you were to see me in late April early May you would see my bloodshot eyes swelled up the size of golf balls, tear ducts gushing and bubbling to help alleviate the pain of the pollen scratching my eyes out like a million tiny shards of glass. This made it hard to see or keep my eyes open and was quite debilitating. I could not have the windows open and enjoy the fresh air and had to use the air conditioner to clean the air and keep the house cool. I guess you could say I needed a bubble to go outside to protect me. Not this year. This year I made myself a blend of Essential Oils to combat my allergies. I figured If I can use essential OIls to help heal my mold poisoning, last year, why not allergies? Here is my Essential Oil Allergy recipe:
Needless to say I am excited to not have a sinus infection this year, or to have to take all the drugs I used to have to! To Celebrate, I may need a Mint Julep. Outside, Without my bubble. Terri Wilson https://www.facebook.com/HeartsInBalance Your Twin Flame does not reject you, they reject themselves. When you realize this, you will stop placing blame, do your self work and let them heal themselves as well.
The Twin Flame journey is not one of SPEED but of ENDURANCE. Get off the racetrack. Your soul is not a race car made for a race, nor is theirs. Get to work on the car of your soul. Prepare for the long haul. Your soul is meant to be an SUV and climb mountains, not drive around in tiny boring circles. Is your 4WD tire heart in order, and ready to climb into Unconditional love? Or are you still equipped with tires of a conditional heart that will spin and get stuck when it hits the smallest bit of mud? You must focus on healing your heart of all the past trips with other souls to prepare for this journey of the future. You cannot worry about any other vehicle, including that of your TF as yours needs to be in pristine condition to get to where you are going. Just as many mountains only have one way in or out, we must go within and heal our past. This is the only way onward and upward. We have obstacles to climb and overcome. Which vehicle is designed to do this? Your heart is your vehicle. We have been prepping all our lives for this journey of endurance. We have more tests to come, are you learning what does and does not work to make it for the long haul? What about YOU needs to change? Is it your thinking? Your habits? Your Job? Your relationships? These needed changes are your tuneups, tire and oil changes, and don't forget to check the brakes if you want to be successful on your journey. What do you need to do to move forward and upward and off that boring and stressful race track of a mundane life, to that of a full color adventure of a lifetime? Terri Wilson May 9, 2017 https://www.facebook.com/HeartsInBalance/ People always ask how to know if someone is your Twin Flame. Perhaps part of my story will help.
Before I ever heard of Twin Flames, I met a guy. He seemed fun, and interesting and sweet. Before you know it he is calling me 24-7. At one point he was telling me he missed me and being so sugary sweet after I was gone for 4 days, and a thought popped into my head: “this guy is an abuser and will turn around 180 degrees the other way. RUN” I of course, did NOT, because the thought seemed crazy. He was always great until he was drinking, then things would get ugly. He had a violent temper. He would say the most horrible things imaginable, leaving me in a hysterical mess. The next day he was sweet again and apologized. It was a cycle that continued for years. Lots of fights, name calling etc. I never had a relationship like this, it was a total roller coaster. I felt we had a strong connection, but something was always a little bit off, I never truly trusted him 100%, but I thought he was my soul mate, even though at times it was the worst relationship I had ever been in. He was the most disrespectful man I had ever known but I loved him. He was never mean to me in front of anyone except for this kids. To everyone we were Barbie and Ken. We looked like brother and sister and everyone said we seemed to have been together for ever. The abusive treatment progressed over 12 years until I was completely beat down and stripped of my self worth. I went from being “the mayor” of my town, to feeling I could not do or say anything right. All through this relationship it went from awesome to horrible, awesome to horrible and in the end the awesome was non-existent. He was a Narcissist and I am an Empath, the worst possible combination for a relationship. I knew why he was the way he was and wanted to help him and show him he was worthy of great love. The problem was he was so damaged he could not accept it. Everything was my fault, I was always wrong, everything I said was stupid, “where do you get this stuff?” He was my Karmic Partner. Sent to teach me what I did not want, and so many other valuable lessons. My friends had me make a list of 100 things I wanted in my next relationship. It was everything I had always wanted and never had. It really made me think about what I truly needed not just wanted. 100 characteristics is a LONG, THOROUGH list! I put it away and forgot about it. As I was going through my divorce, I met a guy who was amazing. He was everything my ex was not, said he wanted to “make up for the last 12 years of my life.” He was fun, I told him I thought we were supposed to heal each other, and we did. He had been in a similar relationship, and we gave each other back our sexuality, and made each other feel better, but neither of us were ready and something was not 100% in this relationship either. He, like myself was still reeling from his past relationship, still focused on all the things wrong with her, and I was the same. We eventually stopped seeing each other. My feelings were so strong, at one point I asked God if this was not the guy for me to PLEASE help me to get over him. Within 2 weeks I was for the most part but still thought I loved him. He was my Catalyst. He showed me how I deserved to be treated; with respect, and that I could have a fun loving relationship, with someone who actually liked sex… and that would appreciate me. I went to see a psychic. She said someone from far away I had not heard from in a very long time was going to appear. I would go see them or they would come see me and I would be VERY glad that I did, and she smiled in a very mysterious way. Like she knew some big secret. I could not imagine who this could be. In two months I got my answer. A guy I knew 25 years before found me on FB. We had been best friends when I was in college and lost contact. I had searched for him for YEARS. At one point he had asked me to be his best man, and at another point I had wished he was a girl so he could be my maid of honor(neither happened, but I wrote in a journal I hoped we could one day go to each other’s weddings.) I was so excited, and happy! And OMG he lived 3000 miles away! He said I was the one who got away, wanted to see me, but I was still going through my divorce, so he backed off. I found a letter from him after my divorce was final, and he asked me to read it to him. He wanted to call me. As soon as I heard his voice my heart reacted. It felt weird, like someone was pulling on it tugging it, trying to take it right out of my chest. And my head felt weird and tingly, so I mentioned it to him, he said he felt the same. It was odd! Add to that all these feelings from the past came flooding back from before, I always had a crush on him and he was saying the same. When I looked up the heart pull and fuzzy head I discovered an article about Twin Flame’s, it made sense, and he was saying all the things described as well. I sent it to him and he agreed, it made sense, but he did not want to label it. He literally IS me. There is more, but that is not the point of this article. Our relationship has always been fun, silly loving, and conspiratorial: Best Friends. Always 100% trust, always respectful (he never even tried to kiss me way back when he was too chicken and so was I). Now that we were reconnected he wanted to take it to the next level. what if I rejected him and hurt his feelings? What If he rejected me? What if we were crazy? How could I feel like this for a guy I had not seen in 25 years? It boggled my mind! I was excited, but terrified. (fears!) It has been almost 3 years in the making. We are in Union, and I have never felt more cherished and loved in my life. He said he wants to protect my heart, he never wants to be like all the other men in my life, that he loved me over half of his life. Not once has either of us been mean or disrespectful to each other. We agree that this relationship is “bigger than the both of us” and that it transcends all others. We have a telepathy and connection we NEVER had with anyone else and want what is best for each other. We always blame ourselves first if there is any misunderstanding (there are VERY few) and NEVER want to hurt the other. We are connected in ALL ways: mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually, sexually. We have the partnership we both have always dreamed of, 100% EQUAL and RECIPROCAL. While all TF stories are different, you will find the majority contain the same elements; a Karmic partner (KP), a Catalyst and a Twin Flame (TF). The first two and everyone before them literally sets you up for your TF. In both of my prior relationships I thought they could have been THE ONE, but there was something missing. I did know it, but society said there was no perfect relationship. They were not ME. They did not like or think like I did, though the Catalyst was close. Had I known of TF’s first, I probably would have done the same as many do: try to make the KP or Catalyst my TF; try to fit a square peg into a round whole. But I hope I would have been smart enough to apply the lessons of others to my own situation. I certainly hope this will help many of you. If he/she is not 100% what you want, they are NOT your Twin flame. You must trust that. Most of all trust your HEART, that is the key that opens the heart to love... You will have ZERO doubt they are THE ONE. You will however have doubt to heal : “Am I worthy?’ YES you ARE, beyond a shadow of a doubt! -Terri Wilson- December 21, 2016 We often hear people say they want to find their “better half” or the one who “completes me” “the other half of me", etc….
The problem with this thought process is it assumes you are not enough without this other person, and that in order to be happy you must be with someone else. So a conundrum is created in our minds, and the quest for true love begins with a fallacy. The truth of the matter is you do not need anyone else to be happy, and you do not need someone to complete you. You just THINK you do. The reality is you must become whole yourself. (That is right, ON YOUR OWN!) Many will say “OH but I AM whole myself, I don’t need anyone!!” Really? So why are you still with that person who does not fulfill you? Are you with someone who is “almost what you want?” or not even close, because you are “trying to make it work?” Hmmmm, maybe you tell yourself, but why? This is why: you have SETTLED and do not feel worthy of love. You have decided the person you see in your mind as perfect for you, the one you have dreamed of all your life, the ideal love you imagined does not exist. All the people you dated before who were not close to what you wanted, failed relationships and marriages have convinced you this person does not exist. Or your friends and family have told you’re your expectations are completely unrealistic. And you bought into THE BIG LIE: that you can never truly be happy, and “kind of” happy or mediocre relationship is OK, and better than being alone. And now you are coasting. You are on auto-pilot. Your relationship is like two roommates living together. No passion, no fun, no excitement or inspiration, lack of motivation, just kind of going through the motions, often leading very separate lives, with one or both not really in a hurry to get home. You tell yourself this is OK because your friends are in the same boat, so It MUST be ok. Or WORSE, they are in an abusive relationship, and at least you are not living THAT life, so it HAS to be ok. Your parents and grandparents did it. Everyone does it. There is no such thing as the perfect relationship. This is where you are wrong. This is THE BIG LIE. You were meant for MORE, and you do not have to settle. What many do not realize is there IS a perfect person for you out there. “No one is perfect” you say. Ah but that is not what I said, what I said was this person would be “PERFECT FOR YOU.” This person is that blueprint of your mind’s eye. The man or woman of your dreams: “The ONE.” You have seen it. You know a couple that is always playful and silly with each other. They finish each others’ sentences. When they look at each other it makes you blush. In fact they are ALWAYS looking at each other. They are always touching each other, affectionate, respectful, and seem so do everything together. They often look alike, or are built the same or act alike. In fact, they think so alike you think they were just MADE for each other. That is because they ARE. You can have it too, you need to stop lying to yourself, and stop settling. Stop the cycle of settling for less than you deserve. How do do this? Go within and start healing the parts of your past that feel you do not deserve to be fulfilled and happy. Heal your need to have someone to validate that you are lovable. Heal the BIG LIE. -Terri Wilson- May 3, 2017 https://www.facebook.com/HeartsInBalance/ A lot of women today forget that men are MEN. Even and ESPECIALLY Twin Flame men. What is a man? Someone who likes to compete. Someone who likes to win. Someone who likes to HUNT. Think back to prehistoric times...men were hunters and women were gatherers. If the man wanted you, he would come after you and get you. Nothing would stop him. The women were too busy to look for a man. Part of the excitement for the men was to look for, chase and conquer their prey. It made them feel good about themselves. They were judged on how good a provider they were, and for how many pelts they collected as this was how they kept their family clothed, warm and fed. The hunts were often long, arduous and far away. They would be gone for DAYS and weeks (no cell phones, OMG!) sometimes months. The women did not hunt. They ruled the home and nurtured everyone including the men. The women took whatever the man brought home and made it go as far as possible, they literally multiplied what was brought to them. The women were celebrated for their ability to cook good food, make beautiful clothing and make the most of what they were given. They literally were the balance in the home, and kept things under control. Fast forward to now. We now have cell phones, instant cameras, the internet, everything is at our fingertips. People cannot wait an hour to hear from someone much less weeks or months. Now days, women hunt and chase men, and men RUN. Why? They do not like to be chased, as they are not PREY, they are HUNTERS and WARRIORS. It is in their DNA to go after what they want. Sometimes we women need to learn to sit back and let our men be MEN. Let them Hunt. Let them compete for and win you. See what they bring to you...nurture them and let them know they are appreciated, but most of all: let them come to YOU. When you do this not only do you and they feel better, but there is no drama, and no heartache. -Terri Wilson- June 15, 2016 We create our own reality with the thoughts we think and the words we say
How do we do this? What you say has power, thoughts have power, it is all about intention What you focus on is what your intention is positive or negative, you are subconsciously choosing what you want for your life. This is what you are telling the universe you want. So When you say to yourself “I am not ok” or “I am stuck” over and over, you are creating that reality for your future When you say “I am prosperous and abundant beyond my wildest dreams, all that I desire and require is coming to me effortlessly” you are also creating that reality for your future. Which do you wish to see? The choice is yours. Make your future beautiful. -Terri Wilson- April 5, 2017 https://www.facebook.com/HeartsInBalance/ The Twin Flame Journey it is just that: a JOURNEY.
This journey is Fraught with twists and turns, bends, ups and downs. It is NOT a QUICK or EASY thing. This is by design. It may be a cliché, but anything worth having is neither free nor easy and the Journey to Divine Union is Just that: not free and certainly not easy. There are lessons to be learned along the way, and healing that needs to be done in order for any Twin Flame to proceed to Union. The Twin Flame Journey is about learning what an ENDURING, TRUE love is all about. It takes years to develop this endurance that stands the test of time. Yes YEARS; Sometimes as many as 30-40 years. The Goal is to become WHOLE, Non-codependent and an ambassador of Unconditional love, and to raise the vibration of the planet. Twin Flame’s are known for their capacity to love; seemingly beyond what would seem prudent, but on this path they must learn to extend that love to THEMSELVES. To do so requires a lot of self introspection, and a whole lot of healing of their past and childhood issues. Once the majority of these past traumas and hurts are healed, the halves of this Union can come together for good. There are many out there who will tell you, there are “more than one” Twin Flame, or that there is no such thing as a Twin Flame. Often these are the same who proclaimed they were Twin Flames years ago, but now have changed their story over time. Some will say that you do not need healing, or no Karma has to be dealt with, or they do not have Karma. These people simply do not have a Twin Flame incarnated in this lifetime, lack discernment, and have mistaken a soul mate for their Twin Flame. Instead of being honest with THEMSELVES and others, they change their story to fit their situation, and for some: to prevent True Twin Flames from Union, to make money off of the masses looking to find their Twin Flame. What is important to know, is not all Twin Flames incarnate in the same lifetime, Soul mates are important too, and the same things that Twin Flames must work on Soul mates can as well to progress in their relationships to help raise the vibration of the planet. One of the most important lessons we have to learn on this journey is that you really are more of a burden to ANYONE you are in a relationship with if you cannot be happy alone; without the co-dependent NEED for another to complete you, save you, or take care of you. Both should be free within the Union. This is why the healing is so important even if you are NOT a Twin Flame. If you DO meet your Twin Flame, it will NOT be like any other relationship, there will be NO confusion about who this person is to you, and it will be VERY difficult but worth it in the end. The self work has to be put in, it will be hard. There is no easy way around it. So settle in for the long haul, assume it will be a while, give the timing up to God, and get to work. There are many out there who are willing to help you on your way, you may not always like what they have to say, but they will give you the ways to heal yourself to get to where you need to. Twin Flames as Ambassadors of Unconditional Love have a responsibility to show others how love should be, it is not just about the two of you. Twin Flames are here for much more than just a simple romance and someone to spend the rest of your life with, we are here to Lead the world to a new way of thinking. -Terri Wilson Archives 2016 https://www.facebook.com/HeartsInBalance/ Twin Flames are Teachers and Healers. We are here to change the old Paradigms of 3D Ego thinking to 5D Soul thinking. So, how do you know the person giving you advice is a Twin Flame?
It is quite simple: they will always send you back to YOURSELF. Why? Because we are here to raise the vibration of the planet. The only way to do so is to heal ourselves which will raise our own vibration from 3D to 5D, from Conditional to Unconditional love. Be sure the person advising you is doing that work themselves, and represents Soul thinking not Ego thinking. It does not matter if they are in Union, or how long they have been in Full Union. What matters is they are Unconditional love. Do they help you work on yourself and your healing, or do they want you to see how great they are? Do they teach you how to help yourself, or do they want you to be dependent on them for help? Do they lift others up, or do they put others down to make themselves feel better? Do they work collaboratively with others, or do they act as if helping each other is a competition? There is no competition in Love, there is simply Love. -Terri Wilson- May 2, 2017 https://www.facebook.com/HeartsInBalance/ How would you feel to know your Twin Flame came to you of their own free will and chose YOU over all others?
Would you prefer to know forever that they loved and chose you because they WANTED you? Or are you OK with always having doubt, because you manipulated them into choosing you with some sort of "shortcut" or threat because you could not wait? This is the difference between trusting in Divine Timing and going against Free Will. Trust the Universe. All is happening as it should. Love without condition. Love with Patience. Be Love. -Terri Wilson- Archives 2016 https://www.facebook.com/HeartsInBalance/ YOU are what is holding back your Union... not your Twin Flame. I repeat YOU are what is holding you back from your Union, NOT your Twin Flame.
The Twin Flame Journey is a journey to WHOLENESS within YOURSELF. We are Ambassadors of Unconditional Love. We come with BIGGER hearts for a reason, to show all unconditional love, and how it works. Twin Flames are here to heal the earth and raise its vibration and this starts with YOU. The only way to Heal the earth is to raise your Vibration. To raise your vibration is to heal yourself and release what no longer serves you. What no longer serves you is holding you back from Union with your TF: Relationships, Jobs, Bad habits, Negative ways of thinking. Family loops, etc. all can hold you back from becoming who you are supposed to be. This journey is Difficult because there are TRUTHS within yourself that you need to FACE and heal. If you are with someone who treats your poorly (FYI, not returning your text is NOT disrespectful, that is your EGO showing you what you need to heal) and abuses you physically, mentally or emotionally this person is NOT your Twin Flame. That is a Karmic Partner preparing you for your Twin Flame. There are no short cuts to Union, except through healing yourself. This is the secret many will not tell you. Beware of those who tell you they can give you a shortcut or who say you do not need to heal yourself. Nothing could be further from the truth. Many of the things they will have your incorporate are 3D in nature, or work against Free Will. Your Twin Flame and you share the same Energetic Signature, you work in tandem, and have complimentary Gifts. As you heal yourself, they heal as well, and you draw closer to Union. Much like a See saw... you must learn to balance yourself before you can balance with your Twin Flame. So they key is to go within and do your work. The work does not stop at Full Union, but it does get easier: it is difficult but worth it. -Terri Wilson- Archives 2016 https://www.facebook.com/HeartsInBalance/ Even those of us in Union feel the intensity of the new moon, pulling out the last remnants of our "issues."
Follow your intuition and release what no longer serves you. Cry your eyes out, say what needs to be said, address what you need to change about yourself and your situation, your attitude, your self limiting beliefs; for you are being shown loud and clear what and who needs to go...Let it all go with Love... We are all being pushed to become the highest version of ourselves: to Merge, Align, and/or get into Union or Full Union with our beloved, and the only way out is UP. What are you waiting for? Stop fighting it and do what needs to be done no matter what stage of the journey you are in... -Terri Wilson- Archives 2016 https://www.facebook.com/HeartsInBalance/ Relationships are like plants in a garden. They need the right environment in which to grow.
The relationship must be nurtured and taken care of with plenty of love and light. Even one drop of poison can take a plant down. The same goes with with relationships. The wrong environment can be detrimental to your health. So pay attention to the signs. Is it a loving environment? Is growth happening? Trust your instincts... Always... -Terri Wilson- Archives 2016 https://www.facebook.com/HeartsInBalance/ r When you heal yourself, are you healing your Twin Flame.
Understand that if Your Twin Flame needs healing, you do as well, it is never a one sided thing. The silence and separation is to trigger both into this healing. It is a time to get to work on the businesses or healing all the parts of yourself and your past so you can become whole before Union. Remember: You are two halves of the same soul in two bodies, and share the exact same energetic signature. Your Twin Flame will energetically keep up with you. As you heal yourself, they heal themselves. Much like a tandem bicycle; where the one goes, so does the other. They learn through you... This is a partnership of equals. 100% +100%= Union. -Terri Wilson- Archives 2015 https://www.facebook.com/HeartsInBalance/ You thought you know what love was,
and that you loved all those people in your life; and you believed it was OK to settle. They were mostly what you wanted. No one seemed a perfect fit. Except for that ONE person, you knew... Besides, everyone you knew was with someone who was not perfect for them, so surely your standards were unrealistic? Then you find the ONE who is EVERYTHING you were told did not exist, and you realize you never truly knew what TRUE love was. And your life is changed forever. Because now you know the TRUTH: You were not crazy, you were not unrealistic, your standards were not too high. You were right all along. What you wanted DOES exist. You are SUPPOSED to have the love you always wanted: the other half of your soul. You were just supposed to trust and listen to your heart... -Terri Wilson- Archives 2015 https://www.facebook.com/HeartsInBalance/ Make a list of `100 characteristics I was told one day,
Of what you want in your next man, and he’ll be on his way. List what you want in Character, the things that he will do. List all that you love, like, and hold dear, it will all come true. Think of how he’ll treat you, and what you want to see, Think of all the ways he’ll show you, that you were meant to be. 100 things seems daunting, but it will ferret out The most important qualities that you forgot about. So I started on my list of the man who was to come. I thought of all the things that all the others had not done, He would enjoy all that I loved the most, and also would be fun. The man who was perfect for me, my future love: The ONE! This man does not exist, they said; this list impossible! You cannot find a guy like that, you need one much more dull. I dreamed of this man all my life, the list was kind of easy. But still it took a lot of time to frame the one who was to please me. I made my list and waited for this miracle man to appear. Who would this man be, with all these values that I hold so dear? I’d forgotten all about the list when he finally found me. My best friend from so long ago, when we were young and free. “I’ve loved you more than half my life, and I love you still. You are all I’ve wanted, I want to be with you if you will.” So be careful what you wish for, and be careful what you do, Words you know have power, and wishes do come true. -Terri Wilson- Archives 2015 https://www.facebook.com/HeartsInBalance/ Part of becoming who you are supposed to be,
Is unbecoming what everyone wanted you to be. Follow your heart, not the crowd. You are not meant to be like everyone else, You are meant to be amazing, unique and different. So go find that which is inherently you, what sets you apart, Go find your truth. Where you ask? Within. Only you have the answers to the yearning of your heart and soul. What makes your heart beat faster? What sets your mind on fire? What makes you feel fulfilled, whole and complete? What excites you and makes you want to keep searching, learning and stretching for more? That is your path....go find it, Even if you must cut away the brambles of your heart. Clear the path to your soul, let the light in. And see, finally see who you are meant to be. -Terri Wilson- March 12, 2017 https://www.facebook.com/HeartsInBalance/ |
Terri WilsonThis Spiritual Journey has been an amazing one back to myself, becoming whole and realizing who I was meant to be. This Blog will be about Reiki, Spirituality, Love, Twin Flames, becoming healthy balanced and whole and all that I have learned along the way. Channeled messages, spontaneous poems, scribbles and memes will be mixed in. Instagram PostsArchives
February 2023