Ever meet a couple and they seem so much alike you feel they are one? They act alike, speak alike, finish each other's sentences almost like....Twins... have an unmistakable love and respect for each other, an intimacy and energy that pulls you in to want to learn more about them and want to BE like them? Congratulations, you have just met a pair of Twin Flames. Now they may be of different races or religions, vastly different ages, the same sex, but they will have the same value system, the same exact energetic signature, the same personality, thoughts, beliefs, and interests, because at their core, they are ONE. Isn't that a soul mate, you may ask? No, far from it, Soulmates have different souls, for one thing, and you have many soulmates you will meet throughout your life journey. Twinflames are one soul that decided long ago to split into two bodies. Because they are one soul, they share the same energetic signature. They don't always incarnate at the same time, but when they do they are instantly drawn to each other upon the first meeting. There is a familiarity there and a knowing that this is not just anyone, this person is and will be a significant force in your life. Typically the reason and purpose is not revealed until much , much later.
“Someday someone is going to look at you with a light in their eyes you have never seen, they’ll look at you like you’re everything they’ve been waiting for their entire lives, Wait for it.”
Why are Twin Flames Important?
Twin Flames are here to change many templates regarding love and relationships: Race, Religion, Age, Gender Preference, Family Loops, Distance and Time. Twins come to bring the earth from conditional 3D love to unconditional 5D love, a daunting task indeed. In order to do so, each pair must overcome their childhood, past, many past lives and Family Loops that have been passed down from Generation to Generation. These Twinflames accepted the mission to come to earth to undergo a 'twinflame dance' to grow their souls at a very rapid rate, undergo much trauma in the process, and help the earth and it's inhabitants evolve and ascend from 3D into the 5D to raise the Earth's vibration. Typically Twin Flames met while younger, were separated by forces beyond their control. They often have Contracts with other souls to fulfil to clear Karmic Contracts before they can be together. They find each other again, separated by Distance, Marriage or Family Commitments and / or their Past, all of which must be overcome before coming into Full Union. The biggest obstacles for them to clear are their own fears, created over time that hold them back from loving themselves. As they learn to accept and love themselves without condition, they learn to be free and love their Twin Flame unconditionally, as well as the rest of the world.
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Is it my Twinflame, a Karmic Partner or a Soulmate?
"It is said Twin Flames can have a hard time being with each other if they are not ready. Twin Flames are of the same soul: therefore, being with your Twin Flame will be like looking at and into your Self. Being with your Twin Flame will show you all the fears (“issues”) you have but never realized until now. Some Twin Flames are strong enough to face & work through the fears, while some are not yet capable. Look within and love your self so that when you cross paths with your Twin Flame you will have the strength and spiritual knowledge to overcome the fears together" -Unknown-