In order to truly love all and be love:
Love Unconditionally. Stop hating those you imagine you disagree with. Stop judging others. Stop attacking others. Stop calling others names. Stop assuming the worst about people. Stop living in fear of what "could" or "may" happen. Start Living in the NOW. Start being grateful for what you have, instead of focusing on what you do not. Start looking for the POSITIVE in people. Start getting to know people; ASK instead of TELLING them who they are. Start healing the parts of you that need healing. Start to focus on YOU and what YOU can do better. Focus on your gifts: How can you Help others? Choose love. -Terri Wilson- #comingintobalance #heartsinbalance People and their actions do not make you angry.
The wounds within from your childhood and your past that you have not healed make you angry. Lack of accountability for your feelings makes you angry. Placing the blame for your anger on others makes you angry. When you have healed your childhood wounds and are whole within, not much will make you angry, What people say or do will not make you react to anger when you know yourself, because others cannot define you or control you. You control yourself and your reactions when you are healed. Namaste' -Terri Wilson- #heartsinbalance #comingintobalance Those on a witch hunt will always find a witch,
whether one is truly present or not... Read that again, because you are being pushed to go on witch hunts on a daily basis. Do you believe every single thing you are told about someone you do not know? Or do you look at all the angles, gather all the information with an open mind, and make your own decision? What if the tables were reversed? What if you were attacked and hated for things you may not have done? Do you consider why you are being pushed to a certain conclusion without taking the time to look at all of the evidence? Are you even considering the evidence? Or Blindly being followed where you are led? While you are judging others, have you considered...are you perfect yet? Let that sink in as you hate your fellow man... Whom you have not met... Perhaps instead of joining in a witch hunt, Go home, get to work on yourself, and make your life great! All the rest will fall into place... Stop looking for Evil Witches and start looking for love. Choose love. -Terri Wilson- Many Lightworkers and those on the Twin Flame journey often talk about “Oneness” “Becoming whole” the “journey back to self” and “releasing what no longer serves you”.
While many seem to somewhat grasp the periphery of these concepts, many miss the bigger picture. So let’s break this down. What does it mean to be “whole?” To be whole is to be complete. Something that is complete does not need anything else. To not need anything else means it is perfect just the way it is. When you observe a flower, you notice the beauty of it and see it in its wholeness without being distracted by all the parts of it. You accept it as it is, and that it does not need anything else to make it better. “Oneness” is very similar. To Be One is to be whole and complete within yourself. In the case of a couple or a group, means all are complete and whole together, while being separate. In a bouquet of flowers, you see a group of flowers that are lovely together, without worrying about if the rose is better than the peony or the Lily; you simply accept them as they are. All have different colors and as individual flowers are beautiful, but together are amazing as well despite their differences. In order to become “whole” and have “Oneness” requires a ”Journey back to self.” Our journey is to heal the parts of us that keep us back and prevent us from becoming whole. This journey requires hard work and realizing hard truths about yourself and how you view the world. It requires going into your past and healing those things about you that hold you back, while learning to accept the parts of yourself that are not perfect. “Releasing what no longer serves you”, helps to move you forward on your path. But what does this mean? What are we releasing? We need to release bad habits, relationships, jobs, self limiting /sabotaging thoughts, thought processes, lack of self worth, etc. Now take these concepts one step further. To do the above is to be independent on your own and not need anyone. What does that look like? It means you do not need others to take care of you, that you are self sufficient and can take care of yourself. This is an important point that many seem to be missing. To be independent means you can feed, clothe and afford yourself. When you can do all these things you feel better about yourself. When you feel better about yourself you can love yourself and when you love yourself you can love others. And when you love others and yourself and are independent you are a more productive member of society. The more productive you are the more you can help others. Helping others is why Lightworkers and Twin Flames are here. People used to teach their children how to take care of themselves, how to contribute to society and that there are consequences for their actions. For example at age 7 I was able to change my sisters diapers, clean the house, feed and clean up after myself. Does this mean I am smarter and better than others? Of course not (that would be your EGO making you feel insecure), it simply means ANYONE can do this too. How many people today teach their children how to take care of themselves? Teaching your children to take care of themselves and simple things like helping out around the house does many things: it gives them a sense of accomplishment, knowing they can do something well. It helps them feel a part of the family and like they contribute. It gives them a sense of well being, and discipline. They learn Consequences when they do not contribute or do something wrong and are punished for it which is important for their development; not to mention learning boundaries and to respect others and following simple rules to keep order. To teach your child to be independent of you is the greatest gift you can give them. Why? Because you are teaching them to be “Whole” to be “One” with themselves and not to NEED anyone including you/ This is important when you consider they should be able to take care of themselves should something happen to you. Society has been moving BACKWARDS in this regard. How? People have become codependent, needing others to take care of them. Not just for food and shelter, but to make them feel good about themselves. They also need someone to need them and love them so they can feel worthy. This is NOT a healthy environment for anyone. We have people who do not contribute to society and want others to take care of them. We have adult children who cannot take care of themselves. We have adults who need love so much they do not allow their children to grow up. We have children who feel rules to not apply to them, that they are the center of the universe, and that everyone needs to cater to their every whim. These children fall apart when they do not get their way or disappointment occurs. The need for others to take care of us and give us what we do not give ourselves (self love) creates the perfect opportunity for those who want to control others to thrive and prosper. If they can make you dependent upon them for what you need: they can control you. If they know you cannot or will not take care of yourself they own you. While many who are awake do not fall for this, many can be manipulated if the situation is right. The above brings us to today and where we are now. We have people who are trying to control us. They have successfully divided us, and are preventing oneness by manipulating us into thinking it is a bad thing to be separate or different, while at the same time trying to tell us we all must be alike. We have been made to feel we cannot take care of ourselves and need someone to take care of us and have even successfully convinced us we cannot take care of our own children. People have become passive aggressive bullies insisting that if you do not believe as they do you are wrong. Those who wish to control others have taken advantage if this desperate lack of wholeness, Oneness and independence to try to fool us into thinking we need them. Many are so desperate for love they will accept anything at face value. If someone says pretty words and tells you they will take care of you, they must love you! For decades People have used this scenario to try to set up a situation where all can be controlled. The Masses have been groomed for years that to be independent, self sufficient, successful and whole is wrong. People have lost their moral compass and connection with Higher Self that tells them what is right and wrong. There has been a battle quietly building between light and dark and this election is the culmination of all this. What we see now are people awakening to their own power and independence stepping forward. Like it or not what you see in the world represents a need for change from the status quo. A return to basic values of Independence, Wholeness and Oneness. No one is perfect, but we need to become beholden to no one, and willing to take the slings and arrows to bring us all forward to where we should be. Look for TRUTH, and understanding instead of the need to be right. This is how you fight people want to control us and prevent us from being strong and independent and successful, from being Whole. Lightworkers are here to set us on the road to Oneness. While many can see how this applies to a one on one situation, many miss the big picture: The more you can take care of yourself, the more you can love yourself and not worry about what others think. The less you care what people think, the less they can control you. The less control people have over you, the more Independent and Whole you are. The more Whole you are the more you are in Oneness with yourself and with those around you the easier it is to accept them for who they are. The more you are In one with those around you, and the more you can accept others for who they are; the better off the planet will be, and the more it will heal... ... which is after all the point, is it not? Choose love. -Terri Wilson- #heartsinbalance #comingintobalance |
Terri WilsonThis Spiritual Journey has been an amazing one back to myself, becoming whole and realizing who I was meant to be. This Blog will be about Reiki, Spirituality, Love, Twin Flames, becoming healthy balanced and whole and all that I have learned along the way. Channeled messages, spontaneous poems, scribbles and memes will be mixed in. Instagram PostsArchives
February 2023