Soul mate connections show what you do /do not want in a relationship and point you to your truth.
How? Have you ever made a vase or bowl out of clay? You put a lump of clay on a wheel adding more clay here and removing from it what you do not want, shaping and reshaping until it is just right. Then you remove it, FIRE it up to CURE it and then paint it creating a beautiful masterpiece from what was once a simple lump of clay... It is in the final stages of creation that any remaining lumps that were missed are found are removed to create the final masterpiece. Much like the Twin Flame journey: we do not WANT to change until we MUST. The Twin Flame relationship is the final creation of our Lifetime Masterpiece in the Mastery of Self. That is where the beauty of this journey is. Our Twin Flame is the one who makes us finally work on ourselves... looking inward instead of outward blaming others...shaping and removing what does not belong and where we are purified by FIRE to become our true authentic selves: Beautiful, Strong, and Uniquely and Imperfectly Perfect. -Terri Wilson- To first understand why there is no False Twin, you need to understand what a Twin Flame is and what it is NOT.
I will use an analogy first to make this easier to comprehend using Fruit. Oranges are not Apples. Oranges have a hard outer skin that you must remove and peel with your hands and they are divided inside into sections with seeds in each of the sections. Apples have an outer skin that is edible and the inside is all one piece with the seeds down the middle almost like a separate section for just the seeds. There are many varieties of Oranges and many varieties of Apples, but you would never mistake one for the other, even though both are fruit. If I were to say an Orange is an Apple you would disagree because they are nothing alike. But If I say a Macintosh and a Granny Smith is an Apple, you would agree. Calling an Orange a False Apple would imply it is very much like an Apple, but as many have experienced; an Orange is nothing like an Apple. Now, if you had never SEEN, tasted or EXPERIENCED an Orange, you might think perhaps an Orange could be an Apple. You first would need to experience BOTH to know and be able to discern the difference. To Imply they are the same does not make sense, now does it? It is the same with Twin Flames and here is why there is NO False Twin Flame. You have many soul mates; one Twin Flame. A Twin Flame is ONE soul in TWO bodies. You will have the same energetic signature with the same values, wants, needs and desires but go about things very differently in a perfectly balanced manner. You will have a immensely calming unexplainable connection with this person and will love them unconditionally. It is a comfortable relationship, where you can be 100% yourself. A Soul mate is a part of your soul family. They are separate souls. Some of your Soul Family are here to support you and some are here to teach you lessons. One of the lessons you will have will be with a Karmic Partner who is a separate soul, which you have Prior to your Twin Flame. You may have met your Twin Flame first but will not be with them at this point, and may not be aware of who or what they are just yet. There will be an attraction with your Karmic Partner, but in the back of your mind if you are honest with yourself and pay attention to your intuition, something will be off. Your Guides may actually at some point tell you point blank what is wrong and to run (which happened to me two months into the relationship, but I did not listen.) You are to figure out what that is. This off behavior often becomes increasingly abusive behavior in some manner. A Karmic Partner is to show you what you DO NOT want. Karmic Partners are often Narcissists, who cannot and will not ever meet you halfway, will not try to improve themselves in any way because they feel they are never wrong. They will make everything your fault, with no accountability for their part in things. they will not look to improve themselves or the relationship. You may experience a Catalyst next who will pick you up off the floor after your Karmic Partner Relationship nearly destroys you and your self esteem. They will make you see there is a possibility to have what you always wanted and confirm that the Karmic Partnership is not what you want. Something will still be off or missing. This relationship is generally short and sweet, and both may be fresh out of Karmic Partnerships, Finally your Twin Flame will arrive and/or find you again and you will start to heal yourself. They will be ALL you have ever wanted and most importantly NEEDED. The emotions will be overwhelming and unlike any you have ever experienced before. Even though you will KNOW who they are you may not be ready ( you will later find you had other soul contracts to fulfill) or be terrified, due to all you have been through with your Karmic Partner. Your Twin Flame will love and accept your 100% for who you are. Twin Flames are loving and respectful. I repeat Twin Flames are LOVING and RESPECTFUL. They are not abusive because to hurt you is to hurt themselves. All the things your Karmic Partner said was wrong with you, your Twin Flame will love and appreciate. All the things you thought a true partnership should be WILL BE with your Twin Flame. Your Twin Flame will make you feel Loved, Appreciated, Cherished and Fulfilled in ways you never have experienced with anyone else before. Those who have not experienced all the above will be confused. They will even deny this is the process as they very much want to have a Twin Flame and they want one NOW and may say "all Twin Flame relationships are different." Much like the orange and apple, you first would need to experience BOTH the Karmic Partnership and the Twin Flame relationship to know and be able to discern the difference. To Imply they are the same does not make sense, now does it? In my experience, all Twin Flame relationships stories of those in Full Union are more ALIKE than not. You need to experience many relationships to learn how to recognize, give, receive and finally to BE love. No two are alike. As you progress from Soul mate, to Karmic Partner, Catalyst, to Twin Flame you will begin to truly understand the Twin Flame journey and why the other relationships are not the same and did not work out: they all were preparing you for this enduring love of a lifetime. It is important to know the Twin Flame Journey is a LONG process... one of ENDURING, UNCONDITIONAL Love, but worth It. If you do not feel this applies to you and that your journey is different, I have a suggestion: WAIT AND SEE before you decide. You have all the time in the world. You will see why it is a long process, why most Twin Flames do not come into Full Union until after they are 40 and why there is no False Twin Flame. -Terri Wilson- |
Terri WilsonThis Spiritual Journey has been an amazing one back to myself, becoming whole and realizing who I was meant to be. This Blog will be about Reiki, Spirituality, Love, Twin Flames, becoming healthy balanced and whole and all that I have learned along the way. Channeled messages, spontaneous poems, scribbles and memes will be mixed in. Instagram PostsArchives
February 2023