We are all one, but we are not all the same, for a reason.
People get the "we are all one" thing twisted sometimes, wanting everyone to be the same, saying we are all the same and anyone who does not agree thinks they are better than others, and is wrong. Here is an example you may be able to understand of why that is simply not true: We all know what the Human body is, and that all cells start out from one, and evolve into different parts that serve different functions, yes? You have one human body, made up of different parts, each with a specific function. You have eyes to see, ears to hear, a tongue to taste, feet to move yourself around, and arms to hug those you love. None of these parts is the same, even though they came from the same place, none are better than the other… but all are a part of the human body. We cannot call a heart a lung, as they do not do the same thing or serve the same purpose. We can respect their labels so we know which part of the body we are talking about, and respect they cannot possibly be the same in order for the body to function as it should. In the world we have different people with different gifts, each serving a different purpose: some to grow food, some to heal others, some to teach, etc. All come in different colors, yet none are better than the other. You of course would agree to all of the above. In order for society to function, we must all respect the differences of others, and in fact celebrate it! Without a police officer we would not have order, without a farmer we might not eat, without a builder we might not have a place to live. All are important and necessary, yet all are very different and all serve a very specific function for society. Consider a fence: In order for it to be strong, it needs posts put into holes in the ground, with rails in between, pickets or a grids between the posts and rails, and a gate, so you can get in and out. Notice they all have a different label, serve a different purpose, yet all are equally important for the fence. We cannot call an orange an apple, but both are fruit. An apple you can eat without peeling, and orange, we must peel. Yet both are amazing in their differences. If I asked you to pass me the sugar, and you cannot tell the difference between that and salt without the label, is that label not important to help you recognize which is which? Not to make one bad or wrong, but simply to know what is what. The label of things is not a bad thing, unless you attach a negative connotation to it, and that of course is a personal choice. You can choose to make it a negative or positive. It is important to know the difference between apple juice and gasoline. Does it not make sense then, that all people should not be expected to look, think and be the same, act the same, do the same things, and want the same? Of course not! Why not celebrate and respect our differences, instead of demanding all are the same when it is obvious we are not? The world would be a much happier place if people understood this simple principal, don’t you think? -Terri Wilson- www.heartsinbalance.com |
Terri WilsonThis Spiritual Journey has been an amazing one back to myself, becoming whole and realizing who I was meant to be. This Blog will be about Reiki, Spirituality, Love, Twin Flames, becoming healthy balanced and whole and all that I have learned along the way. Channeled messages, spontaneous poems, scribbles and memes will be mixed in. Instagram PostsArchives
February 2023