If you are not just a Lightworker but a Twin Flame as well, this has been a trying time indeed.
The energies lately have been very challenging as many have noted. The universe is pushing us hard to clear out the last remaining particles of what no longer serves us and to get us on mission. I had to learn to balance myself and maintain that balance during stressful times, which would in turn help my Twin Flame keep his balance when he was going through things. It is similar to being on a high-wire, with someone beside you holding your hand so you do not fall off. The universe has sent things to work on to help us heal and move towards Full Union, and as we went through them, things got easier to balance out, and we moved through them easier and quicker. The universe has been turning up the heat and piling things on; for new beginnings and anything remaining from last year must go. My TF and I are working on the same exact things at the exact same time now, so it is twice as hard. We can feel each other, as well as our own issues, and now the issues are much deeper, the ones we have been missing or avoiding the most. These hidden issues are the ones most deeply tied to self love, unconditional love and most of all; forgiveness and self worth. Before we had to keep ourselves in balance while one or the other was going though things. Now we have to stay in balance within ourselves as well as together, healing our deepest fears and issues at the exact same time. Imagine both are on the high-wire now, walking toward each other, trying to maintain a balance as we go. Add to that all the distractions around us trying to make us lose our balance. These are the last steps toward Full Union. The key is to remain focused on the now, our healing, and keeping our balance. Too much focus on the past, the future or what is simply a distraction and we may fall off. We are almost at the middle point: full balance, and Full Union. And much like that high-wire, slow and steady with absolute trust will get us there. -Terri Wilson- www.heartsinbalance.com |
Terri WilsonThis Spiritual Journey has been an amazing one back to myself, becoming whole and realizing who I was meant to be. This Blog will be about Reiki, Spirituality, Love, Twin Flames, becoming healthy balanced and whole and all that I have learned along the way. Channeled messages, spontaneous poems, scribbles and memes will be mixed in. Instagram PostsArchives
February 2023