Unity and Oneness does not mean we all need to think and be the same.
It means we all need to learn to appreciate and respect our differences. Our differences do not make us better or worse than another. Consider the apple and the orange. Both are fruit but VERY different from one another. Neither are better than each other. Both serve a purpose. Or the parts of a wheel. All the parts are different, but all serve the same purpose and contribute to the whole. We need to be more like the wheel: Let's not judge one another or expect all of us to be the same or think or do the same. We all have the same goal: To love and be loved. So love all unconditionally. No matter what. -Terri Wilson- www.heartsinbalance.com |
Terri WilsonThis Spiritual Journey has been an amazing one back to myself, becoming whole and realizing who I was meant to be. This Blog will be about Reiki, Spirituality, Love, Twin Flames, becoming healthy balanced and whole and all that I have learned along the way. Channeled messages, spontaneous poems, scribbles and memes will be mixed in. Instagram PostsArchives
February 2023