When My Twin Flame found me again, we had been separated for 25 years, and not been in contact for 19 years...We had always looked for each other, but for some reason could not find each other. This is what happened when he finally found me...
We met when I worked in a men’s store while I was in college, he was in the Army. As soon as we saw each other, we stopped and stared at each other for a few minutes before I started helping him. My Coworkers later asked what that was about. I had no idea, but it felt like we knew each other, and he was adorable and funny, so we became been best friends and inseparable. My friends and coworkers always questioned me about him. We would go dancing all night long coming home soaking wet, having won dirty dance contests, slow dancing, hanging out and doing everything and nothing together, but he never once tried to kiss me, and had ample opportunity. I would lament about my boyfriends, we would discuss life and things, he was a perfect gentleman. We would call his mother and talk to her often, she had us take a personality test for some reason and we came out almost exactly alike. She said she had never seen this before and we laughed, it was “because we are best friends!” So of course we were alike! He eventually moved away after getting out of the Army, and we wrote and called each other. I missed him immensely but thought nothing of it. At one point in our friendship I agreed to be “best man” for his wedding, even though I was devastated he was getting married, which at that time I didn’t completely understand. I at one point wished he was a girl so he could be my maid of honor when I got married and hoped we would go to each other's weddings. After reading one if his letters I all the sudden felt completely unworthy of him. He seemed so much more spiritual than I, so amazingly sweet and awesome, he was so far away, and I was a Social Butterfly who didn't go to church and drank too much, so I started to write back less often. We eventually lost touch, but I always wondered how and where he was and over the years would try to locate him several times. Fast forward to 3 years ago. I was going through a very painful divorce which I would later learn was a Karmic Partnership. I was looking for answers and trying to fix myself with Massages, Hypnotism, Spider Vein Removal, Reiki, you name it, I was trying it! I even met someone while going through my divorce and we seemed to be designed to heal each other. But as he was also going through a divorce from an abusive person, we eventually drifted apart. He was what you would term a Catalyst, he was amazing and a 180 degree opposite of my ex, but not quite a 100% match, but now I was utterly on my own. One day I open up Facebook and there is a message from my long lost friend from 25 years prior! He asked if I remembered him (REALLY???) hopes he was somewhat memorable and states I was the one who got away (OMG ?!what!?) As we catch up he divulges that he had loved me, but was afraid I would reject him, and he preferred to have me as a friend than nothing at all, so never told me about it. Add to that he had no job when he got out of the Army and no where to stay. I informed him I had loved him as well. I was so overjoyed to hear from him and shocked that my former BFF was saying I was the one that got away. We both told each other that we had looked for each other for years to no avail. He was currently married, alluded not happily, and I told him about my impending divorce, that I was a complete mess and he said he wanted to be there for me and help me heal, but then he disappeared.… My divorce was final a few months later. I moved out and was purging things to downsize, and ran across an old letter from my BFF. The letter said he was taking a break from dating, because he compared everyone to me for some reason…asked when I was going to come and see him…and as I read it, it dawned on me, he HAD been in love with me. How had I missed that? Is this why he found me again? So I messaged him that I found the letter and he asked if he could call and would I read it to him. He asked if I remembered his voice (odd question??) to which I responded “how do you forget someone’s voice? Of course I do!" When he called and I heard his voice, I felt really weird. My Heart reacted and my head started feeling fuzzy, but I brushed it off. We both exclaimed “OMG I LOVE your voice!“ to each other, then I read him the letter. He was amazed I still had it after all these years. He then said he had a story to tell me, so we planned a call for the next day so he could tell it to me, he said it was long and would take a while. When he called I felt weird again. My heart and head felt funny, so odd. I poured myself a glass of wine and settled into bed as he told me his story. He reminded me of the engagement I promised to be his best man for, told me why they never married. We discussed other relationships each had over the years since and his engagement to his first wife. He then told me that prior to her and for the subsequent years he had dreams every night of a woman and himself. Every single night in these dreams he and this woman did the mundane things of life; laundry, making love, walking, sitting on a porch, sharing dinner. He never saw this woman’s face, but every night the dreams would return and he started feeling he was in a relationship with this woman to the point if he dated anyone he felt as if he was cheating on the woman in his dreams. He knew everything about her: her heart, her soul, everything, except for her face. He never told anyone about the dreams, and started thinking he might be crazy. One day he is working in the bar of a hotel and a couple comes in. They were very loving and affectionate with each other. So much so, that over the course of the next 3 days his curiosity was piqued. They were always touching each other, feeding each other, looking at each other with a love he had never witnessed before. On the 3rd day they announce they will be leaving, and he asks if he can buy them lunch as he had enjoyed serving them and had some questions for them, as he was newly engaged and had always wanted a love like they had. At this point the woman looks at her husband “I TOLD you it was him!” The husband rolls his eyes “yes, I see, you were right” and chuckles. As he looks at them quizzically, she states “we have been looking for you.” Now he is really curious. Who were they, and why were they looking for him? She then asks “are you still having the dreams?” He was floored. How did she know about that? He had never told a soul! She then informs him she had been having dreams about him having the dreams and they set out to find him. She states he knows person in the dream, and he says no, he had never seen the woman’s face. She reiterates, “you have met this person already.” At this point an image flashes before his eyes but he brushes it away. He and the couple become friends, and over the years, they discuss how the couple’s relationship came about, and they discuss his future without too much detail, but that he will make many mistakes and have big lessons to learn. They also make him promise that when he sees the face of the woman in his dreams, he has to tell her about the dreams. He then gets married, divorced and married again, and through it all the dreams continue. Now as an aside: the whole time he is telling this story, my BFF who is never at a loss for words is having a hard time; stuttering and stumbling as he tells me this story. Why he was having such a hard time, telling me this story? I could tell he was nervous, it was so not like him at all! He continues: A few years ago the couple died within 6 months of each other. He said they affected many people’s lives and were well loved. They were mentors to a great many people. I start to get chills. He said so many people went to their funeral it was amazing. In the fall of 2013 he has a dream. He is on a beach alone. The couple who had befriended and him and died appear out of nowhere and say “it is time, come with us.” He asks where they are going and follows them. They stop and he can see the woman he had been dreaming of all those years at the end of some breakers with her back to them. He recognizes her instantly. He turns around to the couple but they had disappeared. He starts calling to the woman, but she cannot hear him; the waves are too loud. So he walks out on the breakers trying to get her attention. She still doesn’t hear him. Finally he gets to within 20 feet of her she hears him and as she turns around says “it is about time!” At this point I had begun crying, I already knew what he was about to say. iIs voice was full of emotion and he says: “Terri, it was you at the end of the breakers. YOU are the woman I had dreamed about over half my life!” I was dumbfounded. It was the most amazing and beautiful story I had ever heard, it was coming from the only man I had ever truly trusted and felt safe with: my best friend from so long ago... And this is where our story begins... -Terri Wilson- www.facebook.com/HeartsInBalance |
Terri WilsonThis Spiritual Journey has been an amazing one back to myself, becoming whole and realizing who I was meant to be. This Blog will be about Reiki, Spirituality, Love, Twin Flames, becoming healthy balanced and whole and all that I have learned along the way. Channeled messages, spontaneous poems, scribbles and memes will be mixed in. Instagram PostsArchives
February 2023