The opposite of Love is Fear.
If you are a lightworker, you are here to transmute fear and hate into love and teach others to make the most of what they have and to love all others. In order to create a positive future full of LOVE and LIGHT, stop falling for the Media hype which is designed to amplify fear and hate and create division. You are being tested now. Can you LOVE your neighbor and your imaginary enemy? Are you a beacon of love and light? Or a purveyor of fear and hate? What you fear and hate controls you. The choice is up to you. The true enemy is Hate and Fear, The true enemy is WITHIN. Choose LOVE. ~Terri Wilson~ |
Terri WilsonThis Spiritual Journey has been an amazing one back to myself, becoming whole and realizing who I was meant to be. This Blog will be about Reiki, Spirituality, Love, Twin Flames, becoming healthy balanced and whole and all that I have learned along the way. Channeled messages, spontaneous poems, scribbles and memes will be mixed in. Instagram PostsArchives
February 2023