Many are surprised to hear I was the Runner in my TF relationship, as I have grown and mostly moved beyond that aspect in my Twin Flame Journey.
When my TF found me again after 19 years of searching for each other after losing touch, he made it clear he wanted to take our relationship beyond the BFF's we were before to the next level. Fresh out of a divorce from a Karmic Partner as well as a Catalyst relationship, I was not ready to hear what he had to say. I was confused, and terrified of all the feelings swirling around in my head. My Ego was in Full retreat mode. I had proclaimed to my friends and him that I wanted 2 years to "fix myself" to "get back to me" and here was the one and only person I ever trusted in my life showing up out of the blue proclaiming he loved me unconditionally including my flaws ("who SAYS that, anyway???") and wanted to help me heal, reminding me who I was, that there was nothing wrong with me and that we were destined and designed for each other. I cried the whole time he spoke. In fact I cried almost every time we spoke. Actually, he did most of the talking (a Gemini, go figure) and is the one person I know more talkative than myself. No one had ever said such lovely things to me, and all my emotions and fears from the past came rushing back up to the surface battling for attention. How could he say these things when he had not seen me in 25 years and we had not communicated in 19 years? How was that even possible or realistic? What if he changed his mind after we saw each other? What if I rejected him and hurt him, as I had a tendency to do when seeing any man from my past after a few years? He was the last person I wanted to hurt-much less lose AGAIN. How can we have these feelings when we had not seen each other for years? It made no logical sense to me! He was persistent, pushy even. In truth he pursued me as I had always dreamed a man would, but the timing? UGH! I literally told him to "back off! I am not ready for this shit!" To which he responded "I will back off but I WILL NOT back away!" I was dumbfounded. Again; who says this stuff??? This man was serious! He finally stepped back, realizing I needed time to process all this, as well as to rebuild our relationship which had been untouched for 19 years. He switched from pushy, to lovingly patient and vulnerable. He figuratively cut his heart out of his chest and handed it over to me, saying he loved me and did not need for me to say it back and in fact did not need for me to reciprocate it either, that he had loved me over half his life and would love me no matter what. I was completely shocked. Once again: Who does this???? Who says things like that??? Twin Flames say and do these things. Why? Twin Flames are Unconditional Love. TRUE LOVE has no boundaries, no conditions, no restraints and no need to be returned, no need to control and no expectations. So for those who are chasing and trying to force that connection to the one you think is your Twin Flame I have some advice from a Twin Flame Runner: Back off! Step back... Let the other heal, let them breathe, let them figure it out, and build a foundation of trust, patience and UNCONDITIONAL love. It is in this way you prove to them you will always be there and that this is the Enduring Divine Partnership that you know it is. If it is meant to be, it will happen... in Divine timing of course. After all, forever is a very very long time.... Trust the Universe, Trust your heart, and Most of all: trust in that Divine Partnership of forever. ~Terri Wilson~ |
Terri WilsonThis Spiritual Journey has been an amazing one back to myself, becoming whole and realizing who I was meant to be. This Blog will be about Reiki, Spirituality, Love, Twin Flames, becoming healthy balanced and whole and all that I have learned along the way. Channeled messages, spontaneous poems, scribbles and memes will be mixed in. Instagram PostsArchives
February 2023